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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 31 Aug 2002 10:25:24 +0900
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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The Lucey-Weinhold Family wrote:

> I, too, have had near-miraculous results (and in a remarkably short time
> --- a few days was all it took for my major symptoms to disappear).
> After about 4 months of paleo-type eating, the only symptom that
> persists is my migraines.

HERE! I also get migraines, but the frequency and severity
have steadily decreased over the past year as I continued
with paleo. What a relief! I was used to getting several a
week in bad times, followed by a month or so of good times.
When I started paleo (actually more Atkins-like at the
beginning) I noticed a few weeks later that I had not had a
migraine in a while. Eventually I did get one, such a
disapointment, but that has been getting more rare. I had
what felt like the start of one a few days ago. I did not
take anything for it, and it never really developed. I had
some minor symptoms all day but not enough to warrant drugs.
Hold in there. Things may be getting better. I am getting
this kind of minor thing once a month or so.

I find that I get them from reading too much. Maybe it is
eyestrain, or bad posture, a chiropracter suggested I get a
stand to hold the book on so that I keep the head up while
reading (I never got around to that). Not the same day, but
the migraine hits the following day.

For relief I used to take ibupropen or acetominophen. These
are really hard on the liver, so I am glad that I don't have
to take them much now. In my non-paleo days I drank coca
cola, it seemed to help.

For non drug relief, some things help. A nap if you can
arrange the time, just as the migraine is geting bad. I
would wake up sometimes after a 15 minute nap feeling wonderful.

A deep foot massage helps too. I ask my wife to actually
walk on my feet , bearing down on the arch with her heels.
It really feels good and seems to relieve stress. There are
various pressure points that help a little. The angle
between the thumb and palm, the orbits of the eyes.

Try not wearing a hat. Funny, but this really seems to help.

Someone on this list mentioned mint. It seems to help. I
chew it.

When I was a teenager and got a migraine, my Mom always told
me to go outside and mow the lawn! Why pushing a noisy
lawnmower around in the hot sun should cure a migraine I
can't imagine, but it did. If I go jogging it seems to help
a little, at least I do not notice the migraine while
jogging. Just going outside seems to help. Maybe it is the
change in posture walking around instead of sitting inside.

Avoiding the trigger foods when you feel sensitive helps.
For me they was citrus fruits, cheese.

I found that I almost always had severe constipation when I
had migraines. I was eating a lot of bread and cheese, which
both cause constipation. I think there is a connection.

Just my relief from migraines is enough reason for me never
to go back to eating bread. These days when I get a migraine
it is almost always the day after eating something with
bread in it.