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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Ylva Hernlund <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 23 Jun 2003 08:51:19 -0700
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
TEXT/PLAIN (432 lines)
Subject: [WASAN] Fw: [women-csd] Actions for the Environment protection

Subject: [women-csd] Actions for the Environment protection

> Subject: UNEP News Release 2003/39: UNEP Urges Action to Better Manage the
Globe's Groundwaters
> >
> >
> > For information only
> > Not an Official Record
> >
> > UNEP Urges Action to Better Manage the Globe's Groundwaters
> >
> > The Falling (and in some curious cases rising) Fortunes of the World's
> > Hidden Water Stores
> >
> > World Environment Day June 5: Water - Two Billion People Are Dying For
> >
> > Beirut/Nairobi, 5 June 2003 - Many of the world's "natural underground
> > reservoirs" upon which two billion people depend for drinking water and
> > irrigation are under increasing stress and strain, a new report launched
> > World Environment Day (WED) shows.
> >
> > The report, by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), paints a
> > worrying picture of this critical, hidden, natural resource as growing
> > thirsty cities, industries and agriculture take their toll.
> >
> > It cites cases from across the world to highlight the global threat
> > also outlining a range of options to help secure and conserve supplies.
> >
> > In Arizona, United States, 400 million cubic metres of ground water is
> > being removed annually which is about double the amount being replaced
> > recharge from rainfall.
> >
> > Almost a fifth of the water in storage in the huge Ogalla/High Plains
> > Aquifer of the Midwest of the United States has been removed. The water
> > table there has fallen in recent decades by, on average, three metres
> > up to 30 metres in some places.
> >
> > Other countries highlighted include Mexico where the number of aquifers
> > considered over-exploited has jumped from 32 in 1975 to nearly 130 by
> > 1990s, says the report, Groundwater and its Susceptibility to
> >
> > Impacts include contamination by salt as seawater seeps in to replace
> > freshwater loss and contamination from the surface caused by pumping.
> > subsidence causing damage to property and infrastructure has been
> > in several states including Mexico City, Queretaro and Celaya, as a
> > of the falling water table.
> >
> > In Spain, more than half of the nearly 100 aquifers are over-exploited.
> > the important Segura River Basin of eastern Spain, the ratio of ground
> > water storage depletion to available renewable water resources has
> > increased from less than 20 per cent in the mid-1980s to 130 per cent by
> > 1995".
> >
> > Ironically, some cities in very dry and arid regions like the Arabian
> > are suffering a form of flooding, known as waterlogging, because of a
> > dependence on desalinated water from the coast which is leaking and
> > becoming trapped in the ground.
> >
> > A typical Arabian Gulf coast city may be losing as much as a third of
> > water supplies to leaky mains and even more from over-watering of parks
> > gardens. This heavy reliance on treated sea-water is, in some cases,
> > due to these cities having polluted their own underground waters making
> > them unfit for human consumption.
> >
> > The report, which is being released at the main WED celebrations in the
> > Lebanon, is also being launched at several key locations around the
> > including at a conference in London, UK, on 4 June called Environment
> > "Event 2003". This is being hosted by Barbara Young, the Chief Executive
> > the Environment Agency.
> >
> > Klaus Toepfer, UNEP's Executive Director, said: " Some two billion
> > and as much as 40 per cent of agriculture is at least partly reliant on
> > these hidden stores. Groundwater also supplements river flows, springs
> > wetlands vital for rural and urban communities and wildlife. Indeed most
> > the world's liquid freshwaters are found not in rivers and lakes, but
> > ground".
> > "We are here in Lebanon for World Environment Day, the first time the
> > has been held in the Arab world. This report will have particular
> > in a region where it is estimated that in some areas over 90 per cent of
> > the population could be suffering severe water stress by 2032," he said.
> >
> > Mr Topefer said the past 50 years had been marked by dramatic increases
> > the use of ground waters as populations have grown, demand for food has
> > climbed and industrialization has expanded in the developed and into the
> > developing world
> >
> > "This report is both cause for hope and concern. It shows that many
> > underground supplies are proving quite resilient to chemical and other
> > kinds of pollutants because slow passage through the rocks above them
> > reduce or even eliminate health-hazardous substances before they reach
> > supplies," he added.
> >
> > "However, they appear more vulnerable to neglect or over-use. If a lake,
> > river or reservoir becomes depleted or dries up, the event is highly
> > visible, there is public outcry and often action taken. I hope that this
> > report will serve as a wake up call concerning the human, social and
> > economic consequences of squandering our vital underground water
> > Hopefully its findings will ensure that underground water supplies are
> > longer 'out of sight and thus out of mind', but quite rightly conserved
> > current and future generations," said Mr Toepfer.
> >
> > The UN's Millennium Development Goals and the water component of the
> > Summit on Sustainable Development's (WSSD) Plan of Implementation will
> > almost impossible to achieve without improvements in water efficiency in
> > agriculture, industry and households which should in turn conserve
> > freshwaters above and below ground.
> >
> > Martin Walshe, Senior Water Adviser at the UK Department for
> > Development (DFID), said: "The importance of water and its fundamental
> > contribution to sustainable development is now recognised, but the
> > contribution of water to poverty reduction will only be realised if it
> > set in the broader context of social and economic development and
> > environmental improvement. At a regional level groundwater is of huge
> > importance in Africa, Asia and Central and South America. Nationally,
> > countries from Palestine to Denmark are dependent on groundwater and
> > examples of local reliance can be drawn from Mexico City to Ethiopia".
> >
> > " In a rural context, groundwater provides the mainstay for agricultural
> > irrigation and will be the key to providing additional resources for
> > security. However, concerns are growing over the sustainability of
> > individual water sources and there is a growing need for management
> > strategies that recognise the complex linkages that exist between
> > groundwater supplies, urban land use and effluent disposal," he added.
> >
> > Brian Morris, principal hydrogeologist at the British Geological Survey
> > the United Kingdom which has been involved in the report, said: " The
> > difficulty is managing groundwaters lies in the fact that they are often
> > easy and relatively cheap to tap for large numbers of users. What is
> > is pragmatic management such as increasing public and government
> > properly resourcing the agencies that manage groundwater, supporting
> > community management and encouraging the use of incentives and
> > disincentives particularly in poorer countries and rural areas. It is
> > we give groundwaters value like any other scarce resource".
> >
> > Key Findings
> >
> > Falling Water Tables
> > The UNEP report, compiled in conjunction with the British Geological
> > and funding from the UK Department for International Development and
> > Belgian Development Cooperation, links the fate of many of the world's
> > growing cities with the prudent management of their underground water
> > supplies.
> >
> > It lists 12 megacities, ones whose populations exceed 10 million, who
> > dependent on ground waters. These are Bangkok, Beijing, Buenos Aires,
> > Cairo, Calcutta, Dhaka, Jakarta, London, Manila, Mexico City, Shanghai
> > Tehran.
> >
> > Rural areas can also be heavily dependent on groundwaters. The report
> > highlights rural India where 50 per cent of irrigation water and 80 per
> > cent of drinking water, much of which is brought to the surface from a
> > network of three million hand-pumped wells, comes from underground.
> > Some countries are heavily dependent on aquifers for agriculture. Saudi
> > Arabia's agriculture is almost exclusively dependent on aquifers with 96
> > per cent of its water for irrigation coming from underground. This is
> > followed by Bangladesh, 69 per cent; Tunisia, 61 per cent; Syria, 60 per
> > cent; India, 53 per cent and Pakistan, 34 per cent.
> > Some arid parts of the world have identified vast reserves of ancient
> > groundwater, so called palaeowater, formed thousands of years ago in a
> > wetter climatic period. Libya, for example, is taking seven million
> > of water a minute from over 1,000 boreholes that tap aquifer systems
> > remote areas in the Southern Sahara. The water is transported in pipes,
> > 'Great Man-Made River', to the Mediterranean Coast 500 to 900Km away.
> > Dhaka, Bangladesh, is an example of how heavy abstraction from urban
> > aquifers can trigger profound impacts. There are now an estimated 1,300
> > boreholes tapping underground water for the city and its suburbs. In
> > areas the water table has fallen by as much as 40 metres. New boreholes
> > producing a third less than ones dug in the 1970s as a result, surveys
> > show.
> > In Lima, Peru, deeper and more expensive boreholes are having to be dug
> > meet demand and the energy costs of water production have risen by a
> > quarter.
> > The risks of over-exploitation can be catastrophic in economic terms,
> > especially in rural areas dependent on irrigation. The freshwater can
> > become contaminated with salt making it unfit for human consumption and
> > most agriculture. Removing the salt is costly and energy-intensive
> > it too expensive for many developing countries to consider.
> > Rising Water Tables
> > Paradoxically, in some very dry parts of the world water levels are
> > with striking effects.
> > In Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, the population has soared from 20,000 in 1920
> > over 1.2 million. Piped water is being pumped from the coast from
> > desalination plants, which remove salt from seawater, to meet a high
> > of more than 600 litres per person per day.
> > An estimated one third of the piped water is lost to leaks from the
> > mains. At the same time there are losses from underground storage tanks.
> > Over-irrigation of lawns, road-side verges and parks means that a great
> > deal of water is now leaking into the ground. The geology under Riyadh
> > such that the water cannot easily seep away. Basements and pipes have
> > damaged and deformed.
> > The city has been forced to deploy expensive pumping equipment to tackle
> > the problem.
> > The report cites Kuwait and Doha, Qatar, as suffering similar problems.
> > says that here additional impacts are being felt. The de-salinized
> > percolating through the ground, is dissolving naturally-occurring salts
> > that in turn attack and corrode concrete and the steel-reinforcing of
> > foundations and other infrastructure.
> > Fixing leaky pipes, metering, pricing reform, incentives for drip
> > irrigation and hosepipe bans are among a range of measures that might
> > reduce losses and the phenomenon of 'water-logging' being witnessed in
> > areas of the Arabian Gulf.
> > Pollution
> > World-wide, the ground is used for the disposal of all kinds of wastes.
> > Fortunately, many toxic wastes are absorbed and broken down by natural
> > processes such as bacteria.
> > However, some are not so easily degraded and in some cases so much waste
> > entering the ground, that its natural ability to break down pollutants
> > exceeded.
> > Meanwhile, not all the rock strata is the same and some are less
> > at neutralizing pollutants. This can also threaten the viability of
> > underground supplies.
> > Merida, Mexico, highlights this concern. Concentrations of sewage-linked
> > bacteria can , in some groundwaters, be several thousand times higher
> > that allowed under international health limits.
> > Elsewhere, other potentially damaging pollution includes pesticides,
> > fertilizers and industrial chemicals and wastes.
> > Research from Barbados, where the weedkillers atrazine and ametryn are
> > applied widely, has found pesticide contamination in boreholes as high
as 3
> > microgrammes per litre, or 50 per cent higher than the World Health
> > Organization (WHO) guideline.
> > On Gran Canaria in the Canary Islands, levels of fertiliser-linked
> > have been detected in underground water sources at levels as high 170
> > millgrammes per litre. The contamination, which is 120 millgrammes
> > than the WHO guideline limit, is related to banana production.
> > Solving the Problems
> > The report makes numerous suggestions on how ground waters can be
> > and sustainably managed. But it concedes that many potential
> > and remedies are politically and socially difficult unless long term
> > are adopted.
> > Those managing water supplies, such as water agencies and government
> > departments, need to manage groundwaters in tandem with rivers, lakes
> > reservoirs, a so-called Integrated Water Management approach.
> > Economic actions, not directly related to groundwater, may have a big
> > impact on water use. Promoting alternative rural livelihoods, such as
> > making and textiles, which are less water intensive than agriculture may
> > help diversify the economy away from heavy reliance on irrigation which
> > become a particularly heavy and low-value use of groundwater. Indeed
> > economic development generally can give a country and its communities
> > options' leading to less reliance on ground and surface waters as a
> > Diversifying rural economies may require investments in training and the
> > availability of credit to get small, alternative, businesses up and
> > running. The report says this may require new thinking among traditional
> > water agencies involving alliances with departments of industry,
> > and education.
> > In many developing countries, including ones in Africa, a chronic lack
> > hard facts on the condition of their groundwaters makes it difficult to
> > draw up action plans. Making these hard facts publicly available is even
> > more crucial and vital for building trust when aquifers are shared
> > one or more countries.
> > A monitoring and early warning project, coordinated by UNEP and the
> > Nations Education, Science and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), in seven
> > West African cities including Abidjan, Niamey and Dakar has helped by
> > pin-pointing 'pollution hot spots' and threats to aquifers. The scheme
> > been extended to three countries in Eastern Africa which are Ethiopia,
> > Kenya and Zambia
> > Each year, the main World Environment Day (WED) celebrations are held in
> > city at the invitation of the Government. This year it will be in
> > WED, considered one of the most important events on the environment
> > calendar, is celebrated every year in more than 100 countries. The
> > serves to inspire political and community action. Governments,
> > non-governmental organizations, community and youth groups, business,
> > industry and the media undertake a variety of activities aimed at
> > their commitment to the protection of the environment.
> > UNEP News Release 2003/39
> [Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
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