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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Andi DesJardins <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 28 Mar 2003 13:12:08 EST
text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi everyone...

I would like to thank everyone who responded to me when I asked about
"non-classical" symptoms of CD.

Many people suggested that I move up my biopsy date.  I wish I could, but I
haven't even seen the GI specialist yet (let alone schedule a biopsy), and
can't until the appointed date (April 28).  I've been on the waiting list for
cancellations for a month now and haven't gotten a call.  We have too many
patients and not enough doctors here in Alaska (apparently several doctors
closed up shop over the winter and their patients were transferred to this
group).  My next option is to go Outside for diagnosis, but I want a local
doctor if possible.

Many others suggested that I read "Dangerous Grains."  It took me a while to
find this book locally (I was looking in the "Diseases" section of the
bookstore but found it in the "nutrition" section).  This book still left a
few questions, but it answered many too.  It answered the BIG question I had
about the fact that on my blood test I only had the IgG antigliaddin factor
elevated (the answer being that at the very least, if I don't have CD now I
am at high risk for developing it and should act as if I do have it).

I had asked about the nature of reactions people had.  I felt like my
reactions to wheat were delayed 18-24 hours, while most people talk about
having immediate symptoms (akin to lactose intolerance).  Most of the peope
who responded indicated that their symptoms were also delayed as much as 48
hours after intake.

I asked about nausea.  Fewer people responded that nausea was a symptom, but
several people did indicate that this was a symptom for them.  One person
wrote that it could be a symptom of a form of gastritis (stomach
inflammation) that some people with CD also develop.

I asked about weird neuro symptoms (particularly nausea caused by rubbing the
skin).  I don't recall if anyone said they had this specific symptom, but
many did say that they did have neuro symptoms that went away with the GF

I really want to thank (again) everyone who took the time to respond to my
question.  I'm still in "denial"... I want this to be anything but CD, but it
is looking more and more like I do have CD.  I'm still feeling very angry
that I'm having to wait so long to see the specialist, and in the process I
have to keep making myself sick so as not to compromise my diagnosis.  Which
brings up another question: has anybody had a rectal challenge done?  In the
book "Dangerous Grains" they say that this test can be used up to 6 months
after starting a GF diet.  I'm wheat-free but still not GF yet, but my intake
of the gluten grains is minimal (though I don't notice any symptoms when I do
eat them, so this probably means that I'm still getting them from "hidden"
sources and I haven't detoxed from them yet).

Lastly, when I was researching CD on the 'net I learned that many patients
with CD also have sacroiliitis (inflammation of the joint between the sacrum
and pelvis).  I have had severe pain in this area for over 3 years now, which
is slightly longer than I've had the digestive symptoms.  I thought it was
first related to pregnancy then later related to a fall on ice (that happens
alot here).  Anyway, the pain had gotten unbearable so I have been getting
acupuncture for it for the last 4 weeks.  It took a while for any affect, but
after one treatment where it felt like the needles were pushed all the way
down to bone (they weren't) and two days of excruciating pain after, the tide
turned and now the inflammation and pain are gone.  I'm in awe of this kind
of treatment and I would highly recommend it to anyone who suffers from this
kind of sacral pain.


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