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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Tita Baumlin <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 30 Sep 2003 22:13:04 -0500
text/plain; charset=us-ascii
text/plain (42 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Hi, I'm new to this list-- I found you guys about a week ago.  I was
diagnosed and began GF diet a month ago, though I am a little confused,
because the blood test was positive but biopsies did not show any
problems.  Is this true for any others of you out there?  I am rigidly
sticking to the diet, though. (I have an appointment with a doctor who
lists CD as a specialty, but he can't see me until November, so I am on
my own during these first weeks.)  So I am very grateful there is a
listserv like this!

(1) My first question is what to expect of the recovery process.  The
websites all say things like "it takes 3 to 6 months, possibly even 18
months, for symptom remission" and "many see improvements within two
weeks of going GF," but although the timeline is fairly clear, to me
"symptom remisson" and "improvements" are vague terms about the
experience itself.  Do symptoms gradually get better during these initial
months, or can they come and go?  What is considered "improvement" during
these initial months? I would say that I am improving since going GF,
because I now have days (sometimes several in a row!) without big
symptoms, but then I will have two or three days with one or more
symptoms to varying degrees of intensity, and I admit that when the pain
comes back pretty strongly, this scares me.  I guess I am wondering
whether the recurrence of attacks during this "recovery period" means I
have blundered into some gluten or whether the attacks are just to be
expected while I move through these weeks and months?

(2) And if I *have* blundered into some gluten, how long might it take
for the symptoms to show up?  I am keeping a diet and symptom log, but do
I search through today's foods or yesterday's or last week's??

T.B. in MO
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