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Sat, 5 Apr 2003 01:17:29 -0800
Lisa Hutchinson <[log in to unmask]>
Interchange, UBC
Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Dear Listmates,

1) I have been told by the doctor that I have peripheral neuropathy. I understand from my readings of medical literature that this is caused by nutrient deficiencies which I have also had confirmed (B12, folate, iron). I was not diagnosed until my late 20's and am assuming I had a lifetime of these deficiencies until going gf. Does it make sense to assume that the nerves damaged by deficiencies could be permanently disrupted in function? Is it like if you were to punish any other part of your body for 30 years, there would be permanent damage even if you started being able to supply nutrients later on? Or can the nerve be repaired? I ask because I am on meds for neuropathic pain and my dr thinks I should be getting better by myself and I am not. He is trying to send me to a pain clinic where I had no success before and I wonder if we are trying to heal something that is permanently disrupted in function. Is there literature or experience to support this idea?

2) my pharmacist and dr discovered a severe absorption deficiency with drugs so if others on the list are getting little or no relief from pain meds, get your dr to check your serum levels after taking the drug. Mine were pitifully low so that if I were to take 6 or 7 tylenol 3 for example, it would barely register as 1 tablet's worth of acetaminophen and codeine in my blood. Most drs think you are drug-seeking when in fact you are malabsorbing what they give you. I have heard conflicting reports as to how well the gut heals after going gf so thought my gut must not have healed totally and that was the problem. I then tried the transdermal patch you wear on your skin and the levels taking the second strongest patch from the minimum (50 microgerams or what ever is the measurement system) were at the lowest level of the acceptable range. Could there be something other than malabsorption at work here as the skin patch should have gotten around the possible gut damage I might have left over. I have had thyroid tests done and my TSH is just outside normal on the low side leaning toward hyperthyroid. I am fevered and hot a lot of the time also. Could this problem finding drugs that work be related to drug metabolism - as in something blows the drugs right through or out of my system? The dr said the skin patch is strong and I should have NO pain when wearing it but I do. I am getting discouraged as I can't get pain relief from the several syndromes I have (plantar fasciitis, lower back and trigeminal neuralgia). 

sorry to go on but the details may be helpful!

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