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Tue, 31 May 2005 09:58:40 -0400
TEXT/PLAIN (40 lines)
I bought the pacmate primarily for it's integral braille display to replace a
braille lite that I was using. I have found the unit to be rather flaky in it's
operation to the extent that it ocationally performs a hard reset entirely on
it's own. This means that all files, calendar entries and notes or tasks are
wiped clean. I have become very maticulus about syncronizing the unit with my
desktop to perform restores.
        I am on my third unit and although FS said this is extremely rare, it
has happend on all three units.
        I do think that for the money, this unit should have been built on a
laptop plantform rather than the pocket pc. I program in unix C quite abit and
was hoping to be able to edit these text programs on my pacmate, but pocket PC
does not display tabs the same way as desktop windows or unix or VMS or any
other operating system I used, hence the format is unusable. When I asked FS
support about this, the consultant just said to me, "well maybe you should have
bought a laptop". Nice huh!
        It has also changed time zones, speach settings and set up spurious
tasks on it's own. When the unit is used on ac for a period of time, it looses
it's sound.
        I would think twice about buying this unit.

David Burzese
HRIS Project Director
Administrative Computing and Information Services
Carnegie Mellon
Phone:  412-268-3862

You make a living by what you get
You make a life by what you give

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