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Mike Gravitt <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mike Gravitt <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 11:12:55 -0400
text/plain (87 lines)
(Please forward.)

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Alan Reich, President of the National Organization on Disability
(N.O.D.) to be featured on "Disability Matters" with Joyce Bender

PITTSBURGH, PA- Alan Reich, President of the National Organization on
Disability (N.O.D.) will be featured with Joyce Bender on "Disability
Matters" on Tuesday, September 7, 2004, from 2 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time.
Discussed on the show, will be the mission of the N.O.D.  Founded in
1982, the N.O.D. represents the interests of 54 million people with
disabilities - a large proportion of America's consumers, as well as an
untapped labor market.  N.O.D. works with business leaders,
corporations, associations, and schools to improve work opportunities
for Americans with disabilities, who are employed at dramatically lower
rates than the non-disabled.  Recognizing that it makes good business
sense to include people with disabilities, N.O.D. also helps employers
explore disability as a workplace diversity issue, and with
disability-related marketing.

Prior to his presidency with the N.O.D., Mr. Reich was the president of
its predecessor, the U.S. Council for the International Year of Disabled
Persons in 1981.  Prior to joining the U.S. Council, Mr. Reich served in
the U.S. government.  As U.S. Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for
Educational and Cultural Affairs from 1970 to 1975, he developed
international exchange programs to further mutual understanding.  He
then served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for East-West
Trade and Director of the Bureau of East-West Trade.  In this position,
he was responsible for expansion of U.S. commercial relations with the
People's Republic of China, the Soviet Union and the countries of
Eastern Europe.  Previously, Mr. Reich was an executive in manufacturing
management and corporate long-range planning with Polaroid.

Mr. Reich graduated with a B.A. from Dartmouth College, and has an M.A.
from Middlebury College Russian School.  He has a diploma in Slavic
languages and Eastern European Studies from Oxford University and an
M.B.A. from Harvard University.

The host of Disability Matters, Joyce A. Bender, is President and CEO of
Bender Consulting Services, Inc. (BCS) and its "sister company" Bender
Consulting Services of Canada, Inc. (BCSC).  BCS provides competitive
employment opportunities for Americans with disabilities in the areas of
information technology, engineering, finance/accounting, human resources
and general business.  In 1985, Joyce had a life-threatening accident
due to epilepsy, which caused an intracranial hemorrhage that required
subsequent brain surgery.  Against all odds, Joyce recovered from this
accident that left her with a 60 percent hearing loss in one ear and a
realization that she had epilepsy.  As a result of her personal
experience, she developed a passion for helping people with disabilities
and founded both companies.  Ms. Bender is the recipient of the 2003 New
Freedom Initiative Award from the Bush Administration, as well as the
1999 President's Award from President Clinton.

For more information on Joyce A. Bender and her companies, Bender
Consulting Services, Inc. and Bender Consulting Services of Canada,
Inc., visit,  or  To learn more about Voice America,
visit, .  Past radio broadcasts are archived
on  To learn more about the N.O.D. visit,


For more information contact:
Lee Hassinger
Associate Research Assistant
Bender Family of Companies
Penn Center West III, Suite 223
Pittsburgh PA  15276
Phone:  412-787-8567
Fax:  412-787-7178
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Please tune in to "Disability Matters" talk show, hosted by Joyce
Bender, every Tuesday at 2:00pm EST at  Archived
shows can be found on

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