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Sun, 11 Jul 2004 16:49:45 -0400
text/plain (26 lines)
Hi.  I'm hoping someone can help me, as I'm becoming increasingly frustrated.

I'm trying to move text that's already been written into a simple
two-column table in Word XP.  Each line of text is to go into alternating
columns.  I've tried inserting  a table, but though it sets up a grid on
the screen, I don't know how to get my text into this grid without copying
each and every line!  In the Help system, I've found info on how to set up
newspaper columns, but that isn't what I want.  Would it simply be better
to set a Tab stop somewhere in the center of the line, and that way I can
just hit Tab on every other line?  The thing is that I want the second
column centered correctly, and I want Word to calculate this.  Does anyone
have any ideas?  I never would've thought such a seemingly simple project
could turn into such a nightmare!

Thanking everyone in advance,

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