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Trisha Cummings <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 7 Jul 2004 07:25:39 -0400
text/plain (90 lines)
Hi Kyle,

  I recently read an article stating about the same thing. In the end the conclusion it came to is we have lost the ability to be tolerant of ideas that don't agree with ours. We seem to have developed an very black or white take on things. We could really use a more balance view. We are more about proving our point than listening to the other side. Its almost as if our view must be right or we are wrong - and we know people hate being wrong. I think view points are arrived at by different thought processes and different views - why this makes one wrong and the other right - has me scratching my head. We kinda corner people and make them come out fighting rather than asking for their logic and reasoning. I also think some compassion could come into play here - any situation is like a fine diamond and has many facets - some we never directly see, and perhaps rather than entrenching ourselfs in the obvious we need to be turning and examing the hidden facets. I have been following the Bush - for and against, and I feel like I am seeing a very one dimensional character protrayed either by one side or the other. Surely, there is more than that. And that is what I would like to make my decision on. Events once they get moving take on a life of their, and we end in knee jerk positions - rehashing the past and attaching blame is not moving forward and resolving the problem. Things which may look wrong may be proven right by history, and things which look right may be proven wrong by history. I have always honestly felt sorry for whoever was President, more time is spent decrying them than is spent in actaully spent in being supportive, coming up with alternatives and helping them make good decisions. People on the defensive don't make the best decisions, whether it be the President or the voters.


I've noticed that many people--self included--are becoming single-issue voters.  If not single issue, then at least they feel passion for a few issues.  A real conundrum when one party embraces one of your "pet" issues and the other party agrees with you on a different, but no less important, item.


----- Original Message -----
From: ken barber <[log in to unmask]>
Date: Tuesday, July 6, 2004 11:45 am
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re: hope you had a good day.

> well kat, my number 1 issue is the war on terror. tell
> me specifically what john f kerry is going to do
> differently. please no general statements about going
> not for treating terror as a law enforcement issue. i
> am for treating these people like we did hitler and
> destroy them. even in world war 2 no one was killed in
> the heartland, but, now we do have to worry about our
> family being killed here in atalanta georgia. what is
> kerry going to do?
> --- Kathy <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> > Sorry, but I have to err on the side of
> > practicality.  I'd rather vote for
> > Kerry as a vote against Bush.  Would you throw away
> > a vote against Bush to
> > keep him for four more years?
> >
> > Just think - four more years of Bush means chances
> > for our choice will dwindle
> > down to nil.
> >
> > For the record, I do agree with you about being
> > pro-choice as I am pro-choice
> > myself, but I think there is a bigger picture to
> > consider.
> >
> > Kat
> >
> > On Tuesday 06 July 2004 12:14 am, - Joy - wrote:
> >
> >
> > > Ken wrote:
> > > <<since we are politicing, i noticed with intrest
> > that john kerry made a
> > > statement that he believed life started at
> > conception and not a peep from
> > > NOW..>>
> > >
> > > Some of you might remember that I'm very
> > politically active and very
> > > involved in the women's rights movement, so this
> > is something that I've
> > > been following closely.  It's true that Kerry said
> > that.  However, in the
> > > same interview, he also said: ""I can't take my
> > Catholic belief, my article
> > > of faith, and legislate it on a Protestant or a
> > Jew or an atheist.  We have
> > > separation of church and state in the United
> > States of America."  As a
> > > pro-choice voter, I have absolutely no problem
> > with his position.  He can
> > > believe whatever he wants about the morality of
> > abortion, as long as he
> > > doesn't try to impose his moral beliefs on my
> > body.  I believe that NOW and
> > > the other women's rights groups feel the same way.
> >  After all, we're
> > > pro-CHOICE, not pro-abortion.
> > >
> > > ~Joy~
> >
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