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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
Tim Gruber <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 23 Sep 2004 09:27:23 -0500
multipart/mixed; boundary="=__PartFDDDE35B.0__="
"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>

Dick Cheney's record in the House of Representatives in the 80's:
10. Cheney voted against the Equal Rights amendment in 1983.
9. Cheney voted to support Reagan's veto of the Civil Rights
Restoration Act of 1987.
8. Voted in 1988 against Hate Crimes Data legislation.
7. Voted in 1982 to fund a Reagan administration initiative to produce
chemical weapons.
6. Voted repeatedly  against programs to provide assistance to
displaced workers.
5. Voted in 1985 against legislation requiring factory owners to notify
employees before closing plants.
4. Voted in 1985 to freeze funding for higher education programs.
3. Consistently oppposed the creation of the Deparment of Education.
2. Voted consistently for legislation to the fund the conta rebels
seeking to overthrow the elected government of Nicaragua.
1. Voted constistently against legistlation to support peaceful efforts
to end apartheid in South Africa and against legislation urging the
release of Nelson Mandela from prison.
(From "Dick, The Man Who is President" by John Nichols)

Top Ten Reasons to Vote Kerry/Edwards on Nov. 2, 2004:
10. They will rejoin the world community.
9. They will take care of the environment.
8. Kerry has a plan for Iraq.
7. Promote stem cell research.
6. They are friendly to the poor, working people, unions, anyone not
5. Kerry has a brain. He will support education.
4. They aren't Cheney/Bush.
3. Leadership.
2. Honesty.
1. Won't take us to war.

Top Ten Reasons to Vote Out Bush/Cheney:
10. Bush was never elected. Gore won the popular vote. Bush was
installed puppet President by a corrupt
Florida election and a Supreme Court appointed by his father.
9. Bush in not really President. Everyone knows that Dick Cheney is
really in charge.
8. Cheney/ Rumsfeld have been farther than far right since they were
together during their days in the
Nixon administration.
7. Cheney/Bush insults the intelligence of voters. Cheney said that if
people elect Kerry President, terrorists will attack us.
6. Halliburton has gotten billions out of the Cheney connection.
5. Rich have gotten huge tax cuts, poor and working
people have gotten nothing.
4. Schools haven't improved, prescription drug prices are up, 43
million people have no health care, and
jobs have been lost.
3. They have done nothing to protect the environment. Cheney met in
private with oil company executives to
come up with an "energy policy", and he still won't tell the truth
about what was said at the meetings.
2. Lied to the American public about Weapons of Mass Descruction
1. Cheney/Bush took us into an unnecessary war that has cost thousands
of lives.

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