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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
Peter Munoz <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 15:02:59 -0600
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"AAM (African Association of Madison)" <[log in to unmask]>
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** Visit AAM's new website! http://www.africanassociation.org **

>>> [log in to unmask] 12/09/03 01:59PM >>>
IPS news agency is offering coverage of the World Summit on the
Information Society (Geneva, 10-12 December 2003) from a multi-cultural,
multi-lingual team of reporters, with a news focus on the South and on
civil society perspectives.

Digital Dilemma
The squabbling over whether industrialised countries should help pay
for technology infrastructure in the South continues to deflect
attention from the potential of ICTs in development.

OPINION: In search of the new global citizen
By Mario Lubetkin
TerraViva, the IPS daily conference journal, is once again covering an
international event of great relevance: the World Summit on the
Information Society in Geneva.
ESPA-OL: En busca del nuevo ciudadano global

Les TIC sans l'Tthique
By Diego Gradis
Connecter sans garde-fou les villages les plus reculTs, c'est injecter
des virus fatals dans des sociTtTs fragiles. RTduire la fracture
numTrique, d' accord, mais pour amener quoi?

OPINION: Media for all by 2015
By Anuradha Vittachi
Birds sing. People talk. The need of human beings to communicate with
one another is as fundamental as that.
ESPA-OL: Unir fuerzas para combatir el apartheid global

Abdoulaye Wade: "Pas de 2e Canc?n a GenFve"!
By Daniel Wermus
Pour le prTsident sTnTgalais, si le Nord bloque le Fonds de solidaritT
numTrique, les pays du Sud pourraient claquer la porte du SMSI

"HOTE DÆHONNEUR" A GENEVE: Ben Ali laisse mourir ses opposants
By Carole Vann
Radhia Nasraoui, la prestigieuse avocate tunisienne en grFve de la faim
depuis 54 jours est a deux doigts de la mort. La Tunisie, qui organise
la deuxiFme phase du SMSI, peut-elle se permettre une telle tragTdie?

Tunisie: Zouhanr Yahiaoui, libTrT mais pessimiste
By Fabrice BoulT
LibTrT deux semaines avant le Sommet mondial sur la sociTtT de
lÆinformation, le cyberdissident tunisien Zouhanr Yahiaoui est
pessimiste sur lÆTvolution des libertTs en Tunisie, notamment celles de
lÆinformation et de la communication.

COMMUNICATIONS-LATAM: Telecentres to Narrow Digital Divide
By Humberto Mßrquez
Several Latin American governments are setting up telecentres where
people can surf the Internet, often free of charge, in an attempt to
narrow the digital divide within their societies, which is perhaps
larger than the gap that separates them from the industrialised world.
ESPA-OL: COMUNICACIONES: Infocentros para reducir brecha digital

Internet Reform: Who Should Master the Domains?
As the WSIS opens, the international community finds it self drawn into
the debate over whether the Internet's core infrastructurethe domains
should remain managed by industry or be taken over by governments, via
the United Nations.

L'essentiel au sommet: CitoyennetT, solidaritT, proximitT, diversitT
Le Sommet mondial sur la sociTtT de l'information (SMSI), dont la
premiFre phase se tient a GenFve en dTcembre 2003, est l'occasion de
passer en revue les moyens de connaissance a notre disposition, pour les
mettre au service du dTveloppement humain, de l'environnement, de la
dTmocratie, de la paix et de la libre expression. Il est aujourd'hui
urgent de mettre l'essentiel au sommet : citoyennetT, solidaritT,
proximitT, diversitT.
ENGLISH: http://www.ipsnews.net/focus/tv_society/viewstory.asp?idn=80

Point Counterpoint
Philip Jennings is General Secretary of Union Network International,
which represents 15.5 million members, and is the world's largest
grouping of individual trade union organisations, specialising in the
skills and services sectors, including telecommunication workers.
Ayesha Hassan is Deputy Chair of the Coordinating Committee of Business
Interlocutors at the WSIS

Declaration Needs Human Face
By Brian Thomson
Participants at the "Conference on Volunteering and ICTs" say they
would have liked more of their demands included in the summit's proposed
declaration and action plan.

Glossary for Navigating the WSIS: ADSL to HTML

What African Women expect from WSIS
By Arthur Okwemba
In July 2002, 180 women and men from 46 countries gathered together at
Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda for the Know How Conference 2002.
They were to chart the way forward on access and utilization of ICTs by
women and other disadvantaged groups

A bridging point for Africa
By Martin Adhola
"People lack many things; jobs, shelter, food, health care and
drinkable water. Today being cut off from basic telecommunications
services is a hardship almost as acute as these other deprivations, and
may indeed reduce the chances of finding remedies to them" UN Secretary
General Koffi Annan.

How ICTs could benefit women
By Juliana Omale
New technologies can only become relevant for African women if they are
interfaced with what already exists

African women virtually excluded
By Arthur Okwemba
More men and young boys benefit from the ICTS set up in communities to
help women access crucial information, according to research findings
presented during the 2002 KnowHow conference

Access for women linked to expansion of ICTs education
By Martin Adhola
Incorporating African women in the design and implementation of ICT
curricula is key to ensuring that more women are incorporated in the ICT

Rural community connects to global village
By Arthur Okwemba
Until a few years ago, Nakaseke sub-county just outsideKampala city was
just another African village: no electricity,no phones and little
connection with the outside world. This was reflected on the communityÆs
narrow perceptionsof worldly affairs, especially on agricultural

ICTs and women: Lessons from Africa
By Martin Adhola
Women are gradually liberating themselves from their marginalized
positions in the use of ICTs, according to a survey of experiences from
Africa. However, even though the number of women benefiting from use of
Internet is increasing, the struggle is far from being won. A lot more
women are still impoverished and many are denied opportunities available
to men.

Beyond access: ICT policy challenges for African women
By Patricia A. Made
In Britain, a law makes it possible for an Internet Service Provider
(ISP) to allow the State to secretly tap oneÆs e-mail, if the government
views an individual or organisation as a threat to State security. A
similar law in Japan, known as the Wire- Tapping Act, also allows the
State to put an individual or institution under surveillance

To download TerraViva in pdf format (588KB):

And many more: http://www.ipsnews.net/focus/tv_society/

TerraViva is an independent publication of IPS - Inter Press Service.
The opinions expressed in TerraViva do not necessarily reflect the
editorial views of IPS nor the official position of any of its sponsors.

TerraViva at the WSIS is produced in partnership with InfoSud and with
African Woman and Child Feature Service.

This site and our independent reporting from WSIS has been made
possible with generous support from:
Hivos: http://www.hivos.nl/english/index.html
City of Geneva: http://www.ville-ge.ch/
Visit Inter Press Service at http://www.ipsnews.net

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