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"Swayze, Jim {PBSG}" <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 24 Jan 2003 07:27:19 -0600
text/plain (31 lines)
>One other thought on this.  In my experience, eating paleo ISN'T
>interesting until you're fully paleo.  I had a hard time imagining a
>daily meal of eggs followed by flank steak followed by pork tenderloin
>followed by eggs again, etc. as interesting.  Now I relish every bite
>and wonder how the heck anyone can ANYTHING grain based.  You really
>have to experience it to believe it.

Craig > Could you say more on this?  I've been a failed/failing low-carber
for years, and paleo (while I am convinced it's the One True Path,
nutritionally speaking) seems even more restrictive.  Why do you relish
every bite?  How does it become more interesting once you're "fully paleo"
(which I, admittedly, am not)?

Here's what I think it comes down to.  Until a week or so after you give up
that last slice of toast or that final bite of bagel, your body's gonna
crave the stuff.  But after that week goes by -- which can be a little tough
-- thoughts of the tastiness of that bagel start to seem silly.  I mean,
having got some distance from it, the stuff tastes like newspaper compared
to filet mignon and steamed asparagus (or flank steak and raw carrots, for
that matter).

This is why -- from a personal standpoint at least -- I was disappointed
with both Cordain's and the Eades' allowance of regular "cheating" (hate
that word).  I cheat with grains at all and I feel horrible.  Not
emotionally but physically.  And I crave the damn stuff for a week.  Subtly,
my mind plays tricks on me for those seven days, trying to get me to sneak
another bite.  After that week, though, it really seems silly and I'm back
on track.  And when I think back on it, I marvel at the fact that I went
through a week of struggle and feeling ill for one friggin' croissant.  It
just isn't worth it.