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St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Wed, 21 May 2003 13:53:42 -0400
text/plain (258 lines)
If you're responding to me, thanks Kathy Jo, but I'm fine.  It's been a year since my friend died, and I've had time to grieve for him and get over the bulk of my regrets.  But I'll always feel a pang of a regret for not having kept in touch with him, and that's a part of life.  We all do things we regret for the rest of our lives, it's a part of being human.

I've already poured out my feelings to the list and those of my friends who were willing to listen.  Poor things, I'm sure I bent more than enough ears about all that.


-------Original Message-------
From: Kathy Pink <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: 05/21/03 01:28 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Re: dear friends and adversaries

> Are you okay?  Please don't hesitate to e-mail me at kathypink10358@hotmail
com if you need to vent.

-------Original Message-------

From: St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List

Date: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 10:55:46

To: [log in to unmask]

Subject: Re: dear friends and adversaries

gee, guys i appologize. i did it again, two short to

be understood. i was just saying i was tired and

depressed and was going to get off and go to bed. not

a long term getting off. i could not do that. i like

you guys, each and every one of you. my hands are

sore, i am tending to try to be short to save the

hands, but, i need to put more in so as not to be

misunderstood. i am not leaving for a long term, i was

just tired and was getting off for the night. i am so

sorry that i made you think i was just going.

--- Kat <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

> Hear, hear!


> Too right, Kyle! It'd not be the same around here

> without Ken. I really missed his wit when he wasn't

> able to log in on his pc after his surgery.


> Kat


> -------Original Message-------

> From: "Cleveland, Kyle E."

> <[log in to unmask]>

> Sent: 05/21/03 09:37 AM

> To: [log in to unmask]

> Subject: Re: dear friends and adversaries


> >

> > Well, Trisha, we can agree on that point. Ken has

> been here at least as

> long as myself (since '97) and he is, indeed, one of

> the most thoughtful

> individuals on the list. He's sent many private

> emails my way when I've

> been "down in the dumps", and even though we don't

> always agree on how we

> would 'run the world', seldom though that may be

> ;-), he supports us all

> on

> the really important issues--like getting from one

> day to the next with

> this

> albatross necklace we all wear.


> -Kyle


> (Who is sitting in his bunker, eating MREs and

> waiting for the world to

> end.

> LOL)


> -----Original Message-----

> From: Trisha Cummings [mailto:[log in to unmask]]

> Sent: Wednesday, May 21, 2003 6:55 AM

> To: [log in to unmask]

> Subject: Re: dear friends and adversaries



> Ken,


> You are the kindest and most caring person on

> this list - you are

> always

> giving people the benefit of the doubt, please don't

> go just when we reach

> out and be there for you. You are having a tough and

> need the place to

> vent

> and get filled up again. Blow this guy off - and

> just send his mail right

> to

> thr delete pile. We are cranky sometimes and that's

> when we need vent and

> need suppose.



> Trisha......



> > dear friends and adversaries if that is the case,

> >

> > i have had a very tough time of it the last few

> weeks

> > and had some depressing times especially the past

> > couple days. i am going to get off for now. i am

> > probably much to cranky to be online right now,

> >

> > good night to all of you.

> >

> > __________________________________

> > Do you Yahoo!?

> > The New Yahoo! Search - Faster. Easier. Bingo.

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> >


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