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Tue, 11 Feb 2003 23:59:18 -0800
Ingrid Bauer/Jean-Claude Catry <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (48 lines)
Better no Bush/Hitler comparisons.
That's why even some politicians had to go.

i didn't understand that ,

Anyway, Hitler (or better his party) did not have "full support".
He managed somehow to win the elections, at a certain point.
At the time a majority voted for him.
It was a point of no return (1933).
Afterwards people had no chance again to change.
The wars he started, forced the nation together (it works elsewhere too).
And everybody was in fear, great fear.
Not only to be killed in the war - in nearly every family a big percentage
of the men were killed (later also women and children by the bombings).
But also by the threat to be sent to a KZ. With the sole accusation to heave
*said* something wrong, or have listened to enemy radio.
The decision was to go to the front (high chance to be killed) or
to try to escape (to be killed for sure by the government).

i understand that ,it is how those horrors are possible by promoting fears.

But did it ever helped peoples to overcome their fears or did it contribuate
to more fears .?
I know germans peoples who have been thru the war, they did what it was
expected from them  ,...they are still driven by fear years later , it
didn't resolve anything for them .

I spent 40 years trying to escaped my fear , it took me 2 minutes of having
the courage to face somebody who wanted to punch my nose and just feeling
that fear , to watch how my body reacted to to have a very liberating
experience ( way beyond i can conveye here ) just getting curious about what
i tried to avoid for years allowed me to see that this fear was nothing and
gave rise to a lot of sadness, then to a deep release.

< But - there's a point of no return.

that is why trying to stop or try to return doesn't work ,we need to go
directly to the step after the crisis .( reconciliation )that is a choice
that can be made . developping friendship with irakians is possible . ...

do a vietnam veteran needed to go to hell before he started to learn to "
meet" his ennemies as my post about the friendship village was showing ?
maybe it is true , at least it is commom and the norm few have been able to
choose right at the first try.
