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Mon, 10 Feb 2003 11:18:20 +0900
Thomas Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (38 lines)
Adrienne Smith wrote:
 > What would a typical day's meals look like?

Huh. Typical. Well, start with some eggs, two or three, plus bacon for
breakfast, fried in olive oil. Often some veggies like carrots or
greens if there is some leftover from the evening. Maybe a handful of
nuts. Maybe a cup of milk if the kids left some undrunk.

I often don't eat breakfast, if I had a late night snack I usually
don't feel hungry till lunch.

Lunch is usually a steak, or pork chops, in the early afternoon, after
running. Whether I eat breakfast or not does not seem to affect my
running energy much.

Dinner is a big meat meal, steak, chicken or pork, sometimes a little
fish, with half a dozen mixed veggies. I often make chicken or beef
stew, with a bunch of veggies thrown in.

I eat fruit too, sometimes for dessert, or for snacks during the day.
Fruit is probably my main carb. My snacks are not always paleo, I eat
yogurt, chocolate, peanuts, berries with cream pretty often.

Generally, the more meat I eat the better my gut seems to feel, and
constipation and other troubles disappear. As plant matter increases,
especially high carb stuff, things get worse, gas, or constipation.
Even lots of low carb veggies are a little troublesome.

On the recent discussion of teeth, I have terrible teeth, almost all of
them have been drilled, capped, rootcanalled. But they are much
healthier now than before. I still have to have dental work pretty
often, but it is usually now replacements for old work that has failed.
Since going low carb my gums have healed, no bloody flossing, and they
are not sensitive to heat and cold. If I go overboard for a few days on
the carbs they start getting bad again pretty quickly. I wish I had
been low carb as a kid when the adult teeth were coming in, would have
saved me a lot of grief!