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Sun, 9 Feb 2003 22:23:49 +0000
Frances Ross <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (60 lines)
I have been wondering for a long time whether low body temperature played a
part in health problems. And seeing what is written below I am wondering if
there is any science behind a slowed metabolism and not enough calories. At
present I am eating pure paleo, but am still loosing weight. I have low body
temp all the time and have always had a fast metabolism. In fact I went to and found out this, and this was without some things as I could not
find them on he site.

  Calories Eaten Today
source grams  cals %total
Total:   5287
Fat: 314  2825  55%
   Sat: 67  605  12%
   Poly: 57  511  10%
   Mono: 164  1477  29%
Carbs: 408  1292  25%
   Fiber: 85  0  0%
Protein: 257  1029  20%
Alcohol: 0  0  0%

I can't think why I am loosing weight. Surely my calorie total is way over the
top. I feel good, better than I have in years. SO where am I going wrong.

My intake for today was
3 squeezed oranges.
c.4oz left over baked cod from last nights tea
almond, honey, cocunut, dried cherry, egg and apple cookie about 1 1/2 oz

large kipper, 2 eggs scrambled with olive oil, 4 mushrooms and i/2 tomato and
7 basil leaves

4 olives
4 almonds
small handfull of pumkin seeds

Roast chicken breast, minus skin
1 1/2 roast carrots, 1 1/2 parsnips, 1/4 florence fennel, 1/4 yellow pepper
and 3 big brocollispears covered in gravy made from roast chicken juice, water
and arrow root.

1/4 small pineapple
2 grapes

And I still have an hour before bed and am hungry so will probably have some
sundried dates.

Where might I be going wrong. Does his really make over 5000 calories. All
help appreciated. Thanks


 >One thing I'm wondering about is why my basal
 >body temperature is so low (96.8 F)

That probably means that you're not getting *enough* calories,
oddly enough, and your body's metabolism has slowed in an effort
to conserve its weight.