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Sun, 9 Feb 2003 14:11:28 -0800
Mary French <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (33 lines)
  Hilary McClure <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
Been eating mostly moderate to low carb paleo for two years. Went down
from 188 lbs to 164 pretty quickly, but last fall, Halloween through
Thanksgiving and Xmas, I gained ten pounds back. Since New Year I've
been keeping that weight on with occasional cheating (dipping the
occasional almond in honey, bits of chocolate or a date now and then,
and cheese). Decided not only to stop the cheating but to go
Atkins-style low carb paleo for a while. The ketostix have been showing
low to moderate ketosis for two weeks now, and I've been doing a hard
weight workout every two or three days, but I haven't lost a single
pound. Anyone else experience this sort of difficulty? Atkins is really
supposed to work and I've been able to lose weight before. I'm eating a
fair amount of fat, but that's what Atkins says to do, and he doesn't
say to count calories. One thing I'm wondering about is why my basal
body temperature is so low (96.8 F)
I'm 5 ft. 10.5 inches and probably about 17 percent body fat, so I'm not
too overweight, but would like to be more lean, under ten percent, so
would like to weigh under 160 lbs.
I'm a guy, by the way, in spite of the name Hilary (which used to be
exclusively a man's name, but now it's pretty much just me!).

Hilary McClure
Danville, VermontLow basal body temp is often an
indicator of hypothyroidism.  The "medically normal" range of thyroid levels

are sufficient to prevent goiter, but may not be
sufficient for maintaining other functions.  A basal body temp below 97.2 is

a good indicator that your thyroid is low, even
if it doesn't show up on a thyroid test.  If this is the case, your doctor may

be willing to prescribe a weak thyroid supplement as an experiment.