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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Jane Warner <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 22 Dec 2002 03:39:40 -0700
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (42 lines)
Hi, Rob!

Well, yes, anytime a person answers a "test" like Wolcott's, the answers
can be subject to some "editing" by the respondent.  I don't know of any
tests based on physiologically-verifiable signs.  There is a former dentist
on the Net (who gave up his dental practice at the urging of the ADA, which
said he was illegally practicing medicine) who uses Wolcott's test, plus
some other medical tests.  I don't have his name or URL handy.  I believe
he is in California.  If you are interested, let me know and I will try to
locate his info for you.

Robert McFerrin developed some metabolically-based diets that he calls
Hunter-Gatherer, Agriculturalist, and Mixed.  His rule of thumb is
this:  If you are inclined to hypoglycemia, you are an H-G.  If you are
inclined to diabetes, you are an A.  If you don't know what you are, start
with the H-G diet and see how you feel.  If you feel better, stay with it;
if you don't, he has a protocol for determining your correct diet.  As I
remember it, his diets are similar to, and perhaps based on, Wolcott's.

Does this address your question at all?  It sounds to me as though you want
a signs-based test rather than a symptoms-based test.  (It's a symptom if
the patient reports it.  It's a sign if the doctor/lab reports
it.  LOL)  I'm not a medical professional and can't help you there.  I know
there are doctors who specialize in metabolic medicine.  Do-it-yourself
diagnosing is always going to be a bit subjective.


At 02:57 AM 12/22/02 -0500, you wrote:
>I bought the book and started reading it.  I skimmed through the
>questionnaire designed to identify one's metabolic type.  There are probably
>enough questions and enough kinds of questions for some metabolic inferences
>to be made.  But I wonder if responses are not subject to: guessing, not
>knowing, answering what you think is the right answer as opposed to how you
>really feel/behave etc...  I was looking for something a bit more
>physiologically verifiable.