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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 19:32:47 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Sorry for the delay in summarizing....a respiratory thing got to me. I had forgotten to mention that I do cite my source (manufactuerer/phone number) when I posted, but from reading alot of the letters, I found that I am not the only one who has either been challenged or reciecved a nasty letter. From reading the letters (see below), I think that we each need to take responsiblity for ourselves (yes, it's nice to help others out, but don't rely on the list for all the answers) and that we should stop "eating our young" as they say. My thanks to everyone that took the time to write. Susan
I appreciate this question because I, too, typically contact the company myself.  I don't trust other people to care for MY body.  In a pinch, I trust the Celiac Web site with GF status, but I still prefer calling the manufacturer.  It's kind of irritating that people aren't willing to take responsibility for their own health - they aren't willing to do any work to stay healthy, but instead just want us to give them all the knowledge it's taken us years to gain.  I'm willing to share, but come on, people, take some initiative!
Susan I agree with what you are saying.  If people are so ready to criticize, then they should call the manufacturer themselves.
Hi Susan, when I make a post asking a GF question, I usually do so because I think someone else has done all the work already of checking the source etc and has verified its GF status. I suppose that could be niave sometimes as I do think there are people on this list serve who believe that when they don't have a reaction to something then its OK to eat it. So its a
mixed bag and usually there will be responses that state where they got the GF info from so that is enough for me to make my decision on whether I need to check further for myself.  be well and take care
In spite of many posts from the list owners and other knowledgeable celiacs, these questions continue to be posted.  Unfortunately, the only way to get the REAL scoop, as you know, is from the manufacturer or food processor.
I have only posted gluten free items 2x.  Never did I get that kind of response.  I hope you don't stop posting because of those few. I did ask someone about Heinz ketchup once.  Only because I was told by others I couldn't eat it.  The poster was very nice about my question. If it wasn't for those posters I wouldn't have been eating hot dogs, sausage, ketchup, imitation crab, etc.  If I am not sure, I just contact the mentioned company myself.  But, if it wasn't for the posting, I wouldn't even have bothered.  Those posts mean soooo much to me.  Don't give up.Just delete the nasty ones.
I don't ask.  The one time I did, I got E-Mail telling me the obvious.  So, I read labels and if there is  question, I call the co.  Been GF 6 years now and apparently whatever I'm doing is fine as my latest biopsies showed strong, proliferic, healthy villi that is the goal, not whether one has reactions, whatever that means.  One time on this list after finding out what "reaction" was, it was obvious they were drunk from the wine, not a gluten problem!  So, I pay no attention to people's comments about "reactions" as it's never defined and is particularly suspicious when the "reaction" is to a known GF product.
Interesting question.  I posted a question about Hungry Jack because they wouldn't confirm or deny, and several people said they use it without reaction. I was satisfied with this.  If someone posts that a product is GF, I expect that they will include the email or describe the phone conversation.  If they do that, I am confident the product is safe.  The last few postings I made about products I checked out, no one responded at all.  Either no one was interested, or everyone was confortable with the info.  I think that if you provide all the details you have, there shouldn't be anything to question, maybe just a thank you for doing the research!
Hi Susan,
You are using the listserv in the way in which it is intended, if you are contacting manufacturers and sharing what information you obtain from them.  I have found that there is a wide variation of communication styles in the list - some people don't take the time to read posts carefully and then they respond inappropriately.  Please don't let those kind of people keep you from posting  information that the rest of us would value.  Thanks for sharing.  
Go ahead and post. I do it all the time and rarely get anything negative. However I ALWAYS include contact info (ie email addresses, phone numbers, etc--basically how I got in touch with the company) and will add comments on what was told me by the company or information from their website (I like to ask alot of questions and make comments); by including this information I ensure others can now contact the companies (in case they want to followup at a later time or have other questions they are able to easily contact the company). Thank you for wanting to post!!
I have questioned (in my mind not to a poster) about where some of this information comes from as well.  This is especially true when someone posts "is X GF".  A day or two later they post that they got 12 replies and 6 said it was GF and 6 said it was not.  So, what is it??  I think this inconsistency in responses is why people want to know how you know this is GF or not.
That said, unless I am in a bind, I rely on my own research.  If I see a post about a product that I have avoided or never thought about, it may cause me to check it out.  But, unless I have talked to the company myself or gotten the information from a person I know, I will not rely on the GF or non-GF status I see in a post. This may be overly cautious but since I do not know how a stranger (no matter how good their intentions) does their research or what type of standards they apply in determining if a product is GF or not, I just do not feel comfortable relying on posted data.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*