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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 9 Apr 1995 23:16:06 EDT
Nicola Hamer <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (45 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

George & Gayle Kennedy writes:

> Does anyone in Canada or the U.S. have a French version of the Dining Out
> card?  My celiac son is about to take a trip and I envision him living on
> rice, fruit and greens (healthy, but in France??) for three weeks.  Merci.
> While we're at it, hou about Italian?  Spanish?  The concept is endless...

Your posting got me to look at a section of my wallet I have not seen
in a long time.  I happen to have a list of ingredients that contain
gluten in French.  It was prepared by the Quebec Celiac Association in
1986.  Last time I checked, what contained gluten in 1986 contains
gluten in 1995.  I used this list once while staying with a family in
Jonquiere, Quebec and they found it very useful.

Be warned that I cannot type French accents on my computer so the
spelling for many of these words will be slightly incorrect.

Ingredients to avoid
ale; amidon (fecule) de ble; avoine; biere; biere bock; ble; ble
bulghur; bulghur; chapelure (de ble); croutons (de pain); extrait de
malt; extrait d'orge maltee; extraits solubles de ble grille; farine
(blanche, enrichie); farine d'avoine; farine de ble; farine de gluten;
farine de malt; farine de seigle; farine d'orge; farine Graham; fecule
(amidon) de ble; flocons d'avoine; germe de ble; gluten; gruau; lager;
lait malte; liqueur de malt; malt; millet; nouilles; orge; pates
alimentaires; porter; poudre de lait malte; poudre de malt; seigle;
semoule; sirop de malt; son d'avoine; son de ble; sorghum (sorgho);
stout; triticale; vermicelle; vinaigre de malt.

Ingredients that may contain gluten
amidon; amidon modifiee; derives de proteines vegetales hydrolysees;
extraits de proteines vegetales hydrolysees; proteines de plantes
hydrolysees; proteines vegetales; proteines vegetales hydrolysees;
proteines vegetales texturees; sauce soya; sucre a glacer.

Once again that comes to you from the good people at La Fondation
Quebecoise de la Maladie Coeliaque.

Good luck trying to figure out where the accents go and Bon Apetit.
