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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Sun, 28 Jan 1996 11:36:39 -0500
Rebecca Markle <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (44 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>
A long while ago, there was a question (from me?) about the difference
between celiac disease and gluten intolerance.  I had just been off the
list for 6 weeks, and had moved & my files were not in order.  But I want
to summarize what I know, because I don't think everyone is aware that
there are two distinct conditions that respond to a gluten-free/dairy-
free diet.
        CELIAC DISEASE                  GlUTEN INTOLERANCE
Symptoms: Diarrhea and weight           Gray Area.  Linked with migraines,
loss prevalent, ranges to con-          dyslexia, hayfever, excema.
stipation.                              Not sure about precise bowel
Celiacs suffer from lactose             GI's are casein intolerant.
intolarance, a temporary                Permanent condition.
condition till the villi
Celiac disease characterized            GI seems to be inability to
by destruction of the surface           fully digest and break down
of the intestinal wall.                 particular protein chains, including
                                        those found in wheat (gliadin?)
                                        and dairy (casein).
How diagnosed:  biopsy                  How diagnosed?  test for
                                        "leaky gut"?
I noticed over the summer that some vegetarian recipes were posted. It
picqued my interest because other people posted that they were intolerant
of corn & soy & sometimes, rice.
Those of us who are gluten intolerant are not able to tolerate a
different wheat protein from that which triggers celiac disease.
I'm raising this issue as a starting point...I hope that others can
clarify it further.