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Fri, 23 Jun 1995 11:04:39 +0100
text/plain (34 lines)
<<Disclaimer:  Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

>I'm writing this because it appears the majority of doctors seem to
>disreagard coeliacs disease but I've found one who has decided that it is
>the be all and end all of my problems.  He refuses point blank to let me
>have a biospy (yes it's probably really horrible) but I'd really like to
>know what's going on with me, I guess I am coeliac.
>I think maybe Gayle's question "Is it only that MD's egos are involved in
>finding the solution?"
>Sorry I'm just angry at the doctor.  But there are doctors out there who
>do consider coeliacs disease, even to the extreme of disregarding everything

You are yet another victim of professional posturing..the whole doctor
patient relationship is carefully engineered to make you feel inferior and
to discourage you from asking any but the most mundane questions, on the
premise that you are incapable of understanding the answers.

The reality is that in most cases outside of the basic surgery routines,
which I suspect the average nurse could mangage, they are almost as much in
the dark as you are..in some cases more so. But it would not do for you to
know that. Be very persistent and very strong and if you have to change
doctors to get a result so be it. Try to let your existing doctor know the
reason that you are moving.

Unfortunately we have yet to bring most doctors' attitudes into the 20th
century, from an age when it was only the doctor and the parson who could
read or write.

Good luck
