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Rebekah Fechner-Jones <[log in to unmask]>
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 18 Jan 2003 17:15:50 -0500
text/plain (88 lines)
Hello, thanks for the welcome.

On Fri, 17 Jan 2003 19:19:54 -1000, Secola/Nieft <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Because you feed them grains? Or why aren't ducks and duck eggs paleo?

Actually, I meant the dairy goats weren't paleo, but we do feed both goats
and ducks grains, and we sprout the grains first.  Someday we would like to
be able to pasture animals, but we really can't do that around here,
especially since most of the land around here is devoid of any trees and

>Hubby does? One lactating nubian would provide plenty of milk for a single
>person. Do you sell it or what?

We only have one doe out of 3 adult does who is lactating at this moment,
and due to the time of year, she isn't producing much.

>Trying to figure your diet during the first pregnancy, but don't know how
>old your daughter is. In any case, some women report great differences in
>morning sickness across pregnancies that appear to have nothing to do with
>diet. Who knows?

My diet during my first pregnancy was a mostly "whole foods" diet which
included lots and lots of  whole wheat.  I also consumed almost 2 quarts of
lactaid reduced fat milk daily, because I could not keep any other liquids
down.  I have since discovered that I cannot tolerate any gluten or
pastuerized dairy or unfermented raw dairy.  With the gluten, if I consume
it, I now get a really bad, itchy, bloody rash that lasts for a long time.
I also know that the few times since this pregnancy began that I have eaten
heated dairy or rice(won't dare touch wheat again) or beans or legumes, I
get nauseated, so I believe that this shows that my previous severe morning
sickness was in fact due to my diet.  I also get pretty bad heartburn from
eating dairy, including raw and any of the previously mentioned items.  If
I eat animal products besides dairy, the heartburn goes away or never
starts to begin with. :-)

>Following an instincto, Vonderplanitz, or other framework?

All of the above.  I tried instincto but only lasted less than a week,
because we were eating fresh grain fed meat that always seemed to smell
like moldy feet.  The grass finished meat never has this smell, but it is
previously frozen.  We ended up doing a combination of eating by appeal and
the Vonderplanitz diet, but we still ended up eating too much fruit.  It
seems that the only way for me to get enough protein is to cook my meat,
otherwise, even after a year+ of eating raw meat (starting in July 2001), I
still can't seem to eat enough of it raw.

 I'm guessing
>instincto since they often have that trouble. I know I did.

I read your story on the beyond vegetarianism website before we started the
raw food diet, which is one reason I became concerned when I felt like I
wasn't getting enough protein and fat.  I then started mixing foods to try
to up my fat/protein intake.  It seems that I can tell most of the time if
I need a particular food or not even if it is mixed with other things, at
least for raw foods anyway.

>Sounds like you are ahead of the curve nutritionwise.

This is what I am hoping.

>It's refreshing to hear parents who listen to their children's bodies in
>addition to their own bodies and belief systems.

It did take us a whole year before we stumbled upon the gluten/casein free
diet, but I guess it is better late than never.  It is kind of hard to buy
into vegetarianism once you learn about all of the problems people have
with grains, so that info eventually steared us away from eating the way
friends and other folks around us were eating(vegetarian/vegan diets).

As for improvements in previous health issues, I had some pretty bad
digestive disturbances, IBS type stuff and was losing weight.  I have tried
getting a real non-syndrome type diagnosis from an MD before and recently
for other issues, but no such luck.  I don't have the IBS symptoms at all
any more and the rash I mentioned is gone too as long, as I stay away from
all grains, beans, legumes, etc.  I also don't get the chronic ear
infections/constantly hurting, oozing ears I used to get.

>Spokane? Or more the apple belt?

We are about a 2.5 hour drive below Spokane.  We are out in the wheat
fields, basically.  Pretty ironic since we don't eat the stuff. :-)

dd Sierra (3/29/00)