Okay Ollie
A furphy is a "false report or rumour" (Oxford Concise Dictionary). It's not
on www.dictionary.com I had thought it was the Queen's English until now
(with an Irish flavour), but the Oxford reports it started in Australia
during the first world war, as the Australian water and sanitary carts were
made by the Furphy family foundry. We use furphy to mean a false lead ,
rather like a red herring or a bad tip or an unfounded rumour.
Ben the dinky-di Aussie
-----Original Message-----
From: Paleolithic Eating Support List
[mailto:[log in to unmask]]On Behalf Of Paleogal
Sent: Friday, 11 October 2002 9:57 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Fw: Re: Sally Fallon's take on the Paleo Diet
Okay, I give up. What's a 'furphy'? I don't like canola at all. The jury
is still out on it for me but others swear by it regarding the ability of
said oil to remove undesirable estrogens!!! Haven't checked it out yet,
does anyone else know of this claim? I also don't care for flax oil. Oliva