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"K. Salkin" <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
St. John's University Cerebral Palsy List
Sat, 7 Jun 2003 06:09:06 -0400
text/plain (70 lines)
I'm looking forward to seeing them!

My hair colour was originally a dark auburn, almost dark brown.  For years I
dyed it a lighter red because it started going a little grey around 20 years
ago.  Not a lot but enough to make me conscious of it.  However the stress
of my mother's illness and death caused it to fall out in huge clumps, and I
became bald. Very traumatic.    I had to wear a wig and although it's a
cool-looking one, it still was a wig and I got awfully sick of wearing it.
Finally, around 4 months after my neck surgery my hair started growing
back - pure white and curly.  That flummoxed me as my hair had been quite
straight all my life and I'd never wanted curly hair.  That and the fact
that I wasn't ready to start looking like my grandmother at the age of 48.

The first dye job after my hair grew out enough was an exercise in horror.
I went to a salon and told the beautician I wanted a light auburn.  So she
put on a light auburn dye.  Came out flaming pink.  Then she put on a
reddish brown to tone down the red some more. Came out looking like a
flaming red Coca-cola can.  Finally she put on the dullest brown she had and
it was marginally better.  I told her enough was enough and rolled out of
there *not* a happy customer.  And she had the gall to charge me for all
three dyes. Grrrrrr...and I paid, which was even stupider.

So here I am looking like Bozo the Clown, and then I go up to Philly (this
was over an year ago) and my dear cousin takes one look at me and screeches
in fright.  He immediately calls his hairdresser and makes an appointment
for me the next day.

That man saved my hair and sanity. He cut off as much as he could and then
put on a blonde dye and then proceeded to highlight using the foil method -
very long but worth it. I came out of that shop, determined to never have a
red dye touch my hair again.

Now I have it highlighted twice a year and dyed every couple of months. It's
back to being straight, much to my relief, and I've found I actually like
being a blonde! Never thought I would because my hair was so dark but I
really like it. :-D  The guy I'm seeing says he likes the combination with
my green eyes, which is a sweet thing for him to say.  Me, I'm just happy to
not look like Bozo the Clown any more!

The funny thing is, when I was up in Philly and the hairdresser was going
through some swatches to see what would work, he showed me some bright
colours like blue, green, yellow and yes, red.  I kind of squealed and said,
'God no...I'm not a punk rocker!'  Yet there was a teensy-weensy part of me
that said, 'Aw, com'on, an streak of that green would be kind of cool,' but
I suppressed it manfully.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Magenta Raine" <
Newsgroups: bit.listserv.c-palsy
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Saturday, June 07, 2003 12:50 AM
Subject: Re: Ironies

> Tomorrow lace will take my pictures and I'll send them to you!  If I want
> go blonde I'll have to have it done professionally.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> I am now available to do editing, writing, reporting, designing jobs.
> ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
> Please take time to notice if there are curb ramps in your City. If there
> aren't consistently, please call your City's ADA coordinator to request
> ramps be installed. Thank you.