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Tina Jones <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Tue, 21 Oct 2003 17:21:21 -0700
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TransAfrica Forum News: STATEMENT ON OCTOBER 25TH
-----Original Message-----
From: [log in to unmask] [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2003 2:35 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: TransAfrica Forum News: STATEMENT ON OCTOBER 25TH

TransAfrica Forum

We, the undersigned activists, scholars and representatives of people of
African descent in the United States, issue this call in support of the
massive mobilization for October 25th march and demonstration in Washington,
DC.  This March, being called jointly by the coalitions United for Peace and
Justice and International ANSWER, is demanding an immediate end to the US
illegal occupation of Iraq and the immediate return of US troops.

It is essential that people of African descent, that segment of the US
population which overwhelmingly opposed the Bush administration’s war of
aggression against Iraq, continue to make their collective voice heard and
their presence felt in the halls of government.  That can only be done
through making ourselves visible and outspoken in opposition to the bankrupt
and disingenuous policies of an Administration committed to promoting
domestic fear while our sons and daughters are killed or wounded in an
illegal and needless conflict.

We call upon people of African descent to assert themselves at precisely the
moment when programs and services are being cut to the bone here in the USA,
while funds are being siphoned off to prop up a failed Middle East policy of
illegal war and occupation.
Rather than creating a sense of security, the Bush administration’s failed
policies have increased hatred of the United States overseas, led to the
loss of thousands of lives in Iraq, and destroyed any semblance of economic
security for people at home.
For these and many other reasons people of African descent must march on
October 25th!

Signatures with affiliations for identification only unless otherwise noted
Adjoa A. Aiyetoro, Washington, DC.
African American Women for Peace and Justice
Jeanne Baraka-Love, Ed. D., President & CEO of Ujima Enterprises, Inc.
Roderick Bashir, member, Service Employees International Union, Chicago,
Black Radical Congress [endorsed by the Coordinating Committee]
Black Voices for Peace
Salih Booker, Africa Action, Washington, DC
Bonnie Boswell, African American Women for Peace & Justice
Herb Boyd, author/activist, New York
Yvonne Brunot, DC chapter of TransAfrica
Ron Daniels, Haiti Support Project
Dr. James Davis, Board of Directors, TransAfrica Forum
Manthia Diawara, New York University
Ajamu Dillahunt, President, Local 1078, American Postal Workers Union
James Early, writer/activist
Bill Fletcher, Jr.,   TransAfrica Forum
Glen Ford, The Black Commentator
Patricia Ann Ford, Executive Vice President, Service Employees International
Danny Glover, human rights activist and actor
Rev. Graylan Scott Hagler, Senior Minister Plymouth Congregational United
Church of   Christ; National President, Ministers for Racial, Social &
Economic Justice
Lester Greene, New York Coalition of Black Trade Unionists


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