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Mariama Ross <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
AAM (African Association of Madison)
Fri, 17 Oct 2003 09:45:23 -0600
text/plain (252 lines)
** Visit AAM's new website! http://www.africanassociation.org **

Dear Friends,

I am announcing an event on Sunday we hope you will attend even on such
short notice. My friend, IMAKUS Okofu, will be in Madison for a short
three-day visit before returning home to Ghana. She is in town for a series
of talks organized by Professor Howard Grigsby at UW-White Water.

I will be hosting a Book Talk and Signing for IMAKUS and her book,
"Returning Home Ain't Easy But it Sure Is A Blessing," at my home:

Sunday evening October 19, 4 - 7:00 PM
2912 Cimarron Trail, Madison
(West Beltline, exit Gammon Rd., South on Gammon (McKenna), Right on Raymond
Rd., left on Muir Field, right on Cimarron Trail)

I have included below some information about IMAKUS and her book. For those
of you familiar with the documentary film, "Through the Door of No Return,"
by Shirikiana Aina Gerima, IMAKUS was featured in that production.

Please join us for lively conversation with this inspiring woman. Hope to
see you here,
Mariama Ross

Seestah IMAHKÜS, a dynamic Story Teller, is the author of a new book,
"Returning Home Ain't Easy But it Sure Is A Blessing".  Your imagination is
stimulated as she takes you on her journey of repatriation, with her husband
Nana Okofo, to their ancestral homeland, Ghana, West Afrika.
A Public Speaker and Consultant she knows Ghana like the back of her hand
and conducts lecture & video presentations on the trials, tribulations, the
joys and blessings of a Black Afrikan sister born in America returning home
to Mother Afrika.  Her discourse also includes Ghanaian law as it relates to
the subject of Dual Citizenship and The Right of Abode for Afrikans born in
the Diaspora.  
Seestah IMAHKÜS has also written a very helpful Travel Booklet entitled
"Points to Ponder When Considering Repatriating Home To Mother Afrika/Ghana
To Live Or To Visit".
This out-going and adventurous sister was born and raised in New York City.

*     *     *     *     *     *     *


Hello My Sister,
It was great to speak with you.  Reading a book like or such as this is
awesome.  Just cannot stop talking about it.  It made me happy at first; as
I read on it brought tears, then anger.  I was in and out with my feelings,
about all the things that was happening to you, so I had to keep on reading
non-stop.  I could not put the book down.  Congratulations again on a job
well done.  Pleaseeee keep up the good work.  I am with you 100 percent and
relate to all that you've written.

Love, Nana Adwoa - WR, GA
August 1, 2003

Seestah IMAHKÜS,
I too am enjoying "your story"
Welcome to the very limited world of contemporary literature about the
Good luck and keep on writing.

John Watusi - African Poetry Theatre - NYC
July 20, 2003

Seestah, Just finished your Book!  Once I began reading "Returning home
Ain't Easy But It Sure Is A Blessing!"  I could not put it down!  I was
rushing to the last chapter and then, I did not want it to end.  I laughed
with you and cried with you.  Sometimes, audibly!  Thanks to your detail
writings, my prayers have been answered.
Seestah IMAHKÜS, I just love the I in you.  Please keep writing, as there
are many more blessings you must share with us.  The pleasure was truly mine
to have met you.  I pray that our circle will never be broken.
Your Seestah stranded in Texas,

Lady C. Nelson
Grand Prairie, Texas
July 15, 2003

In the name of our ancestors who carry us safely through!

Peace and Blessings,
How do I explain how your book affected me?  I wanted everyone to share the
journey, I wanted everyone to get excited and filled with the desire to make
a commitment to return home in order to connect with self, in order to begin
the healing, in order to discover our true identity. However what I
discovered is what I already knew and that is that most of us have been in
Babylon much too long. We have forgotten who we really are.  I enjoyed
reading about your experiences. On many levels our journey twists in the
same direction. I can't wait til we are face to face again so that we can
share stories.

Be blessed in your endeavors!

Sis Ife
Ft. Lauderdale, FL

Greetings Seestah IMAHKÜS,

Just finished reading your book, very insightful and encouraging. It is what
expected Africa to be right now. Hoping to visit one day in my preparatory
efforts to return home.

Ras Ray - New York City

Reading this book was more like going on a soulful journey. It was an
experience, which touched me profoundly. The book was timely for me as I
have aspirations of Repatriation.

The openness, which Seestah IMAHKÜS shared in her writing style, was so
powerful; I could not put the book down.  It was like I was there going
through the ups and downs. I thank you for your courage to open your heart
and soul through your writing and sharing the most intimate details of your
experiences in returning home.

I highly recommend this book to anyone whether you're interested in
Repatriation or not. This book will touch your heart and reconnect your soul
to your Ancestral roots.  Look for this book to become one of the most
successful best sellers of the year.

Ababio, Sista Ngo'ne Ada Aw - Indianapolis, IN
March 13, 2003

Greetings Beautiful Afrikan!

I should say, first and foremost - What an awesome blessing to read your
book. I have held it close to me for the past 2 days...with each moment of
space time...on the train, waiting for the train, when I get home...just
before bed - I have been fully engaged with this book!  Thank you!!!  At one
point my son had to ask me why was I crying as I laughed so hard, I couldn't
stand it.  I was reading about the incident when you put on the fashion show
for the group - the first time you went to Ghana.  What a blast!

I was filled with pain and sorrow as I read about your experience with
Margaret and her husband.  Life is such a journey...

I also could relate to your experience of leaving NY and telling your mother
that you were moving to Afrika.  I can't imagine how my mom will react - she
will probably disown me because she will be so scared.  We have to lead our
own lives and fulfill our own destinies.  It can be a tremendous challenge.

Loads of Love,
Kendra Wymes - Baltimore, MD
February 20, 2003

"Oh how great it is.  I am referring to your book.  I started reading on
Thursday, did not cook for two days, finished it on Tuesday.  Why I am
explaining this is because I am NOT a reader.  However, I am now reading it
for the second time because I am afraid that I missed something.  It is
really great.  You have really outdone yourself.  Put me on the list for the
next one.  I pray that you will have to re-print due to a sell out".

Khadijah Black - Newark, NJ

Peace and Greetings Mamahküs,

May this note reach you in the best of health and positive spirits.  Well,
what can I say?  
I loved the book and only wished that you had a book two for me to
experience more of your journeys.

The first intrigue with the book was the fact that I felt like an insider to
some of the stories, but the other side of that is the fact that you went
more in-depth in the book.  I swear at times I could hear your voice
speaking the words to me as if I was having a conversation with you...That's
how easy and comfortable of a read the book was.  And yes, your humor was
on.  But I already know about your wit and humor.

Knowing a little bit about the struggles that you and Nana have faced on
this journey with the repatriation and your marriage, I was very moved to
read your various testimonials of the dedicated love that exists between you
two.  I couldn't possibly give any criticism to your story, but I would've
liked to have seen some of the pictures larger.  And believe me, this is a
little thing compared to the impact I received from your book.

I would highly recommend this book not just for someone looking to visit or
repatriate to Africa, but also for those who need an inspirational story
about faith, perseverance, purpose, and love.

You did it Mamahküs and we love you for it.  Keep up the important work.
You are an inspiration.

Much love and Eternal Light...

Kojo Ben Ruben Bey - Conn.
March 24, 2003

Seestah IMAHKÜS,

This email is to thank you for the hospitality I received from you and Nana
on my visit to One Africa in December 2002 and to highly recommend your book
"Returning Home Ain't Easy but it sure is a Blessing"!

The book Returning Home Aint Easy but It sure is a Blessing is a brutally
honest book in sharing the experiences of Seestah IMAHKÜS as they relate to
repatriating to the MAMA LAND.

I recommend this book as a prerequisite to all Afrikans in the Diaspora
planning to repatriate home. The book will give you a down to earth reality
of the good, bad and ugly with a bit of humor.

Read the book Returning Home Aint Easy but it sure is a Blessing! and gain
worthwhile knowledge, save time, money and join with the countless others in
singing the praise of One Afrika.

Yaw Carvin Okyere Mensa,
Entrepreneur A-1 Bee Specialists - Detroit, MI
March 27, 2003


Greetings in the name of our Holy Creator who continues to bless us and
keep us safe.

It was as if I had made a second trip to Ghana!!!!  As I read "Returning
Home..." it was truly difficult to 'put the book down.  I have read your
book from cover to cover and am passing it on for others to read.  Your
writings are so descriptive and informative.  When is your NEXT book due?

Dr. Stalla Horton, Camden, NJ
April 4, 2003

Seestah IMAHKÜS Nzingah Okofu

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