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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Dr Bernarr <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 11 Apr 2003 13:34:16 EDT
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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Richard Geller wrote >As to the "victim philosophy", everyone dies, most
people get sick. Wally (Ballou) died from liver cancer, it is said. Paleo
living isn't going to prevent you from getting sick or dying. You may get
cancer even if you are strict paleo.
This is a  good opportunity for me to realize that I am not God (or any
similar concept) and that I cannot control my destiny no matter how "good" I
The celebrated Dr. William Hammond asserted that death is not a physiological
necessity; that if balance between construction and destruction could be kept
minutely and accurately balanced, we need never grow old and need never cease
to live, so far as the teachings of physiology go.
Dr. Munroe, a renowned English anatomist, wrote: "The human frame as a
machine is perfect; that it contains within itself no marks by which we can
possibly predict its decay; it is apparently intended to go on forever."
A celebrated English physician, Dr. John Gardner wrote: "Before the flood men
are said to have lived five and even nine hundred years, and as a
physiologist, I can assert positively that there is no fact reached by
science to contradict or render this improbable. It is more difficult, on
scientific grounds, to explain why men die at all, than to believe in the
duration of life for a thousand years."
"With a perfectly balanced endocrine system, such as a normal man has, one
should live forever. In fact, the Fountain of Youth is within the body.",
wrote Dr. Friedenburg, New York, USA.
Professor A.E. Crews, Edinburgh University, Scotland, in addressing a social
Hygienic School at Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, said: "Given the
appropriate and essential conditions of the environment, including proper
care of the body, and Eternal Youth is in fact a reality in living forms."
Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, MD, renowned colon specialist and surgeon, who
maintained that if waste production could be equaled by waste elimination,
old age and disease and premature death would be highly unlikely and even
Dr. Arthur G. Clarke, British Astronomer, Physicist and Chairman of the
British Interplanetary Society, wrote in Science Digest for March 1956
:"There appears to be no fundamental reason why man should die so soon as
they do. It's not a matter of the body's wearing out, in the sense that a
machine wears out. For the body is constantly rebuilding itself, and in the
course of one year, almost the entire fabric of the whole body is replaced
with new material."
Dr. J. C.  Dalton wrote in his book on physiology, "A continuous change goes
on in the substance of the entire body, by which its materials are constantly
dissolved and constantly renewed. Vital Force is incessantly engaged in
disintegrating all the tissues of which the body is composed, and rebuilding
them again of new, fresh material, so that all tissues of the body are always
renewed and always ready to perform allotted work."
Dr. Deepak Chopra, renowned lecturer and author, states that our bodies have
been observed to naturally have the ability for constant rejuvenation, that
every year 98% of the total atoms in the body are replaced, that your skin is
new every five weeks, that your bones are entirely new every three months and
your stomach lining is new every five days.
                           WHY WE SHOULD NEVER BE SICK OR DIE
The human body is not a mere machine that sooner or later must wear out, that
it should die because it has lived long enough, or lived too much. If we
provide optimum nutrition and optimum detoxification to all the cells,
tissues and organs in human beings, they should be able to live forever. If
the cells of the human body are maintained at all times in a congenial
environment, human beings can live forever.
No human being in recorded "civilized" history has ever died of so-called
natural causes.
Those human beings, who have died in recorded "civilized" history, have died
either because of severe traumas they were unable to resolve and/or
pathologies and illnesses that they did not know how to help self-heal.
Dr. Crile, past head of the Crile Clinic in Cleveland, Ohio and one of the
world's greatest surgeons said "There is no natural death.  All deaths from
so-called natural causes are merely the endpoint of a progressive acid
saturation of the body"...
"Acidosis precedes and provokes disease. The well body succumbs to physical
disorders when its own acid debris accumulates to the point where resistance
is broken down and the body consequently becomes susceptible to cold,
fatigue, nerve exhaustion and degenerative disease. Whole natural foods are
pH balanced.  Commercial foods are acid foods"
All pain, symptoms, dysfunction, illness and disease, are self-limited, i.e.,
will heal by themselves, if we do not suppress our health problems, whether
they be physical, mental and/or spiritual.
All health problems when we first develop them are acute, and will self-heal
within seconds, minutes, hours or days.
If we suppress our acute health problems, i.e., interfere with its
self-healing, we develop a chronic health problem, which may exist for weeks,
months, years or a lifetime. If we don't permit our chronic health problem to
self-heal, it will exacerbate and eventually kill us. That is why all human
beings prematurely die. All human beings, if and when they die, should die
only from so-called natural causes, at a very advanced age or from very
severe trauma.
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