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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Binneh Minteh <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 8 Mar 2004 12:12:16 -0500
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (111 lines)

OPTV wanted to react to the latest press release that was paraded
here,presumably as a tactic or strategy to show that Kanilai can be seen
from the telescopes in Greenville and then Dr Poe is a saviour?!!! Or
what?!! If the latter was the case OPTV'S infrared spectacles are seeing
through the darkness ok???? Sometimes people tend to be carried away by the
need to justify existentialist feelings thus end up trotting on thorny
paths for no reason.These phony tactics become the very cancer that eats
these souls up!
Let us revisit the history of The Brikama or Gambia College and then see
through those days until when it finally became the UEP-University
Extension Program.This College has a history of establishing close links
with renowned universities well before the sad day of July 22nd.Ask any
graduate who hails from this college,be it from the school of education-HTC
OR TC(Higher Teacher's Certificate) or TC (Teacher's Certificate).Likewise
the HDA (Higher diploma in Agriculture) and see if their certificates were
not honoured and simultaneously recognised by the twin university of
Bristol and others in France or Dakar. Linkages through registered and
certified accademic documents are far more stronger to be publicised than
emails or video conferences which are at their embryonic stage! However,the
former gvt never rushed to send such press releases in the open like we are
seeing now.That gvt might have had other more important aspects and
achievements in other areas so such rel! eases were not a surprise and were
neither necessary to blow the horn and dance around. After all? OPTV saw
this release and many other Gambians did but why not get more than this!!!
compared to our neighbours?
From 1994 to date why are we yet to see the CNN's cameras near the caravan
filming our so-called Pan Africanist.Isn't he the benjamin of African heads
of state who has transformed his country into a shining example in that
area? Heh Yahya Jammeh and his propaganda! This is really really sad!
Those students who are being mentioned in that press release should not be
used for political campaigns while trying to show people( who know better
than that!) our man in warambas is near DC?!  Near DC,well hopefully those
students can help him send messages to the white house so that he can at
least be received after  the next US presidential elections? Right? Yahya
will you still be there bro? Goodness!

Let us peal the meaning of such releases in a wider perspective.Look at the
countries mentioned there and the source.The source refers to the US dept
of state-cultural division so on and so forth.Dr Poe is an accademist who
does these things because that is his area of expertise.The release was
self explanatory. Dr Suleyman Nyang,Tijan Sallah,Jebes Ayo Langley,Dr
Abdoulie Saine,Dr LO Sanneh and so many other Gambians could have done far
better than that.How about the linkages that Dr Kabir Cham created for
South African students and it was publicised internationally by the same
dept of state? Cham is Gambian and Yahya says that these people are faces
he does not like seeing.How about if Dr Kah and others convince Dr Poe to
stop it right away.Would Dr Poe have gone to Banjul if a Gambian scholar
like Dr Jah did not stamp and seal the thing? Yahya stop fooling yourself
and see the light. This cultural division that your cronies are parading
here do get material from the G! ambian doctors that you see as your own
enemies! OPTV will teach you and your cronies lessons that you will live to
be reviewing everyday. These sick souls!
Usually such programs are spread to societies that have special things to
show or special needs to adress,Culturally,traditionally
scientifically,politically,democratically and etc.We saw Switzerland right?
Was it not until a year or so ago that Switerland as a country became a UN
member state? Here is a country that has one of the  most complex
cultures,traditions and issues that roll along deep rooted ethnic feelings
or teachings.That is why Switzerland is divided into Cantons.Its history
shows a rough road as far as cohabitation amongst those ethnic groups is
concerned. That is why Switzerland is the only country that has a council
of ministers that runs the country on an equal footing( sharing
power).Switzerland changes presidents every twelve months.The reason is not
that they are more democratic but! it is meant to maintain and balance the
very feelings of the ethnic groups that compose the Swiss society per
se.Deeper studies can reveal more on the reaso! n why those Cantons or
divisions are important for the Swiss Government. Without having put in
place such rotations ie presidents changed every twelve months and then the
council of ministers voted into office to represent different sectors of
the society,there might have been a very unstable Switzerland despite the
picture it shows outside as a cool country.
No wonder they were mentioned for one reason or the other. Next China!!!
well lest we forget Teniemen square.If people like our brother Alpha
Robinson or my former school mate Jalamang Jobarteh are on line then please
let them step in.Exposing students and helping them taste the sweet necter
of the flowers of freedom outside is a good way that can lead a society to
emancipate itself from mental slavery! Tribute to Late Bob Marley. Those
exposing such press releases with ulterior motives( they will deny it
anyway) should ask themselves as follows;Why OPTV all of a sudden?!!! and
then think about the cultural division,Dr Poe etc etc.The internet is a big
ocean of talents and these are ideas that NIA cannot take to their cells
and interrogate.
How about the role that this very cultural division at the state department
was playing on Dakar,St Louis University,Guinea Conakry,Iraq,Iran etc etc
well before our own sad cronie tried hijacking this intenationalised
version of development?!!! This is education and intelligence pure and
simple.Infact one should read between the lines here and then think very
very deep! The parliamentarians received money from the political or
administrative source and then the students are being engaged and
exposed?!!! Anyway words,ideas and useful information could be faster than
the AFINJANG theory.
If the intension was not political then we say a big thank to you the one
who sent the article here in all honesty.As far as OPTV is on line
information will never be wrapped here to represent Yahya Jammeh's movie of
desperado in the Zoo.

Binneh S Minteh
New York University.

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