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"* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information" <[log in to unmask]>
Jeff Senge <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 10 Jan 2004 10:27:36 -0800
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"* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information" <[log in to unmask]>
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Hi Kelly,

Do you know if this phone is currently available and where I could find out
more about it?



Jeffrey C. Senge
Information & Computer Access Program Coordinator
California State University, Fullerton
(714) 278-7253
[log in to unmask]

----- Original Message -----
From: "Kelly Pierce" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 9:41 PM
Subject: Cell Phone Complainant Addresses Blind Community

>     Bonnie O'Day, has asked me to post the following message she wrote.
> Bonnie's settlement last month with Audiovox yielded the first talking
> cell phone compatible with CDMA technology, the predominant wireless
> transmission standard used in the United States. Currently the phone is
> available as the Toshiba 4050 from Sprint Wireless.
>     Kelly
>     From: "Bonnie O'Day" < [log in to unmask]>
>     Date: Wednesday, January 07, 2004 5:45 PM
>     Hello listers:
>     I saw the correspondence about the press release regarding my
> Audiovox settlement. I have been traveling over the holidays, and
> although the notes were posted some time ago, I do want to respond.
>     It is extremely heartwarming to note the interest and support in the
> Audiovox and Verizon cases. It has been over three years since I filed
> the informal complaints. The road to settlement with Audiovox has been
> arduous and full of complexity and the complaint against Verizon is
> still outstanding. I filed the complaint for myself and every other
> blind person who wishes to use cellular telephones. I did not ask for or
> receive any financial compensation from either organization, but it is
> gratifying to see the first steps in the settlement being implemented.
> It is my hope and expectation that phones with additional access
> features at an affordable price will be available in the fairly near
> future.
>     I did not draft a press release personally. Press releases were
> developed by Audiovox and my attorney during confidential settlement
> negotiations. Because those that supported me could not participate in
> the final confidential settlement process, I was unsure that they
> formally approved of the full settlement. I hope they will, given the
> giant step forward in access that has been achieved.
>     I would like to take this opportunity to recognize the following
> individuals and organizations:
>     Of course, my attorneys, Scott Strauss and Allison Driver from
> Spiegel and McDiarmid provided the legal expertise for the case. They
> devoted countless hours--working on the case almost full time for
> several months during the past year--at no charge. This significant
> commitment of time and expertise by the law firm should not be
> underestimated. It is worth noting that Speigel is not a civil rights
> law firm; their expertise is in telecommunications. They agreed to
> accept the case because of their commitment to access of
> telecommunications products and services for people with disabilities
> and their interest in charting new ground in this area.
>     Second, the case would not have been possible without the able
> assistance of several staff members of the American Foundation for the
> Blind. Paul Schroeder and Janina Saijka spent countless hours educating
> representatives of Audiovox and Verizon about Section 255 of the
> Telecommunications Act of 1996, our access needs and how these needs
> could be addressed. Paul and Janina possess a knowledge of Section 255
> and the technical aspects of cellular phone operations that I simply do
> not have. Additionally, I wish to recognize Caesar Eghktesadi, an
> engineer with a background in universal design of cell phones, who was
> able to actually demonstrate how an accessible cell phone could work.
> Caesar's technical expertise was invaluable to my case.
>     And finally, I really appreciated the support of the American
> Council of the Blind, in particular, Charlie Crawford, former executive
> director and Penny Reader, the current acting executive director. ACB
> has advocated for cell phone access through many actions. For example,
> Charlie Crawford organized the submission of several informal complaints
> by ACB members. ACB formally supported the complaint when it was filed
> and Penny Reader drafted a press release to that affect. Charlie
> attended several meetings with the FCC, Audiovox and Verizon, informing
> them that their actions were very important to ACB and that thousands of
> blind ACB members across America in all 50 states were concerned. He
> also assisted on several "strategy sessions" with my attorneys and I to
> insure that we remained strong and committed to seeing this through.
>     While we have reached a major milestone, there is still a long way
> to go. Only one of the two complaints has been settled. And of course,
> once a settlement is reached, monitoring and follow-up are essential to
> make sure that all sides honor their commitments. I will keep folks on
> the list informed of any future developments.
>     Bonnie O'Day, Ph.D. Senior Research Associate Cornell Center for
> Policy Research 2455 North Stevens Street Alexandria, VA 22311
> 703.845.3436 [log in to unmask]
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>  See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
> EASI November courses are:
> Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business
Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
> http://easi.cc/workshop.htm
> EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
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 See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
EASI November courses are:
Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi

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