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"The parapyschology listserv ...." <[log in to unmask]>
John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 6 Oct 2002 06:58:37 -0500
John Callan, Architect
text/plain (3008 bytes) , johncallan.vcf (219 bytes)
The high crime that had Alley, the Lab mix, banished to our abode involved the
eating of underware... that makes three in this group.  Is it particular to
this breed?

Ruth Barton wrote:

> My Dear Ken,  I think I have found your pet problem--it's the names you
> give them!!!!!  Here we name them quite ordinary names and they go on to
> live quite ordinary pet lives.  Midnight, our super expensive black Lab
> does, however, like to nibble on underwear and socks.  The most outrageous
> name I ever gave a pet was a cat named Melvin Sekaywitcz, I guess.  I never
> tried to spell it before but pronounced C-K-wits.  I named him after a long
> night of whisky drinking with the friends who gave him to me. Ruth, telling
> tales from my youth
> At 1:14 PM -0400 10/4/02, Ken Follett wrote:
> In a message dated 10/2/2002 8:08:00 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> [log in to unmask] writes:
> Hey, but I'll Fed Ex that crazy Lab my ADULT daughter dropped on us to you!
> And Sparky will help stuff her in the box!
> Guttama Buddhama Govinda Moses Jesus Khrishna Rebecca Ruth was the
> multi-deity mutt that showed up on our communal porch one morning. I was a
> sucker for stray dogs. A bad angel dropped in on us. The bitch was problem
> from day one. If left alone in the house it would go in the bed and shit on
> our pillows. I left it for a while with my mother and it ate her, and my
> sister's underwear. I can tell you, that was fun to hear about. Talk about
> conflict resolution, it was the only dog I ever took to the pound with
> deadly intent.
> Don't get me wrong, I have had many friends that were dogs. Monster was the
> best dog I ever knew, half Lab, half Shep. He loved to chew rocks, not
> stones, not pebbles, but rocks. We got two dogs now, Dixie & D-dog that,
> despite my not wanting them to know, together don't quite add up to one
> Monster. I can only imagine how hard it is for them to be extra special.
> One stays home waiting for a petting, and the other wanders to visit the
> neighbors and pretends to be deaf when we call him.
> And then there was the wild cat that was left us when my surrealist poet
> friend left town after their house burnt down. I was a sucker for stray
> cats. I have a lack of patience for cats that shit and piss on the papers
> and books on my desk. How they figure these things out I have no idea. I
> don't care how rough a cat's animal life has been, enough is enough.
> Despite getting a full paw of claws embedded in my hand, working to protect
> my face, I finally stuffed Jelsammina and her anonymous kittens in a burlap
> bag with a brick and was headed for the crick when Kathy intervened.
> Then there was Humphrey Rock Custard, the white cat that loved goat milk
> straight from the teet. I still feel sad that he jumped out of the car one
> night when we were moving, never to be seen by us again.
> ][<en
> --
> Ruth Barton
> [log in to unmask]
> Westminster, VT
> --
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