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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 2 Feb 2003 11:03:46 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Below is a summary of replies relative to this subject.  No further replies
have been received for several days so I will presume the subject


Actually, Microcytic anemia is said to be most prevalent.


I had anemia my whole life, and recently when diagnosed had microcytic
anemia. The concern was that the blood cells were small, thus they thought I
was losing blood somehow.

Macrocytic anemia refers to a form of anemia
(medical name for low red blood cell count) which is
characterized by oversized red blood cells (RBC).  It
is caused by a deficiency of Vitlamin B-12 which
occurs in celiac disease due damaged intestinal
lining.  It occurs in several other diseases as well.
Because the intestine is damaged, B-12 must be
replaced by injection (like insulin) and most people
learn to do this themselves.  When things are back to
normal, B-12 is given once a month. Jack Maines MD
{retired) North Creek  NY
> <<Disclaimer: Verify this information before
> applying it to your situation.>>


by treating leaky gut syndrome you can reduce or eliminate the problem...take
L-glutemaine capsule 500mg and one probiotics caomplex with each meal

The usual treatment for macrocytic anemia is vitamin B12 and/or folic
acid.  However, sometimes the condition persists inspite of these
interventions.  It has in my case.  I've been using vitamin B complex
shots for quite a long time & I'm still macrocytic.  However, the B
vitamin shots REALLY eliminate the fatigue associated with macrocytic anemia.


I was diagnosed with anemia, it was one of the clues that resulted in my
diagnosis with Celiac Disease. I had a iron infusion. As I have had recurring
anemia this was my second infusion. The preference would have been for me to
take massive dosses of iron pills but I literally couldn't stomach them.

I just got the most recent infusion on Friday so it is too soon for any
results. I only recently got diagnosed with CD but, the last infusion did
raise my hemoglobin levels for some time. Now my doctor believes that once
the disease goes into remission my chronic anemia will no longer be a

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