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"* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information" <[log in to unmask]>
Frank Arnold <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 9 Dec 2003 09:57:37 -0800
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"* EASI: Equal Access to Software & Information" <[log in to unmask]>
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It is time to take a very serious look at open source software
and the Linux operating system. OpenOffice will do most anything
MS Office will do and is free for the download. Same is true for
most Linux distributions, BSD, etc.
Frank Arnold

At 09:31 AM 12/9/2003, you wrote:

>We're just holding on for the ride.  It's only going to continue to get
>worse before it gets better.  During the last Community College cuts,
>our ABI specialist was forced into an early retirement.  When the
>government starts calling for a 43% cut in Disabled Students programs,
>and the district decides to cut their funding the same, you're looking
>at a loss of a lot of services and a lot of layoffs.  I don't know how
>other DSPS programs on other campuses fair out as far as funding is
>concerned, but our department doesn't have anything left but people to
>cut.  We are bare bones already, buying our own paper, CDs, printer ink,
>etc. because we don't have a decent supply budget.  Our software is all
>over three years old with no updates in sight, and if it wasn't for my
>continual harassment of the powers that be, our high tech lab would
>still be running 166Mhz computers.
>Suzanne Frederickson
>Rio Hondo College
>DSP&S Alternate Media Technician
>(562) 692-0921 ext.3511
>mailto:[log in to unmask]
>If Wal-Mart is lowering prices every day, how come nothing is free yet?
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Kevin Price [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
>Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2003 9:15 AM
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: funding for programs?
>Hi Everyone!
>I am interested in knowing more about how the different programs are
>who are on EASI?  Budgets are tight and I am wondering how people are
>on funding and continuing to provide services.
>We have recently got our Assistive Computing Resource Center at CSUSB
>established with the commitment from our University department (Academic
>Computing and Media) and through a couple of grants from the Department
>Rehabilitation in California and Verizon.  We were able to hire Niraj
>Parikh who is helping us provide AT services to the California
>of Rehabilitation (DOR) clients.  We are developing a fee for services
>relationship with California DOR and other entities in the Inland Empire
>California.  We have developed an On line newsletter to communicate to
>people about what AT services are available from our program and some of
>our initiatives.
>It still isn't easy to continually update and provide services on an
>ongoing basis.
>Love to hear from the organizations on EASI and how they are coping in
>tough economic atmosphere for AT services.
>Kevin Price, MSW, ATP
>Coordinator-Assistive Computing Resource Center (ACRC)
>Academic Computing and Media
>California State University, San Bernardino
>5500 University Parkway / PL-014
>San Bernardino, CA 92407-2397
>909-880-5079 FAX 909-880-7078
>  See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
>EASI November courses are:
>Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business
>Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
>EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
> >>> Error in line 8 of EASI.MAILTPL: unknown formatting command <<<
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>  See EASI Special October Bonus offer at http://easi.cc/clinic.htm
>EASI November courses are:
>Barrier-free E-learning, Accessible Internet Multimedia and Business
>Benefits of Accessible IT Design:
>EASI Home Page http://www.rit.edu/~easi
> >>> Error in line 8 of EASI.MAILTPL: unknown formatting command <<<
>  -> ............. <-
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>Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
>Version: 6.0.543 / Virus Database: 337 - Release Date: 11/21/2003

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