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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Valerie Wells <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 10 Jan 2003 12:37:03 -0800
text/plain (72 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I know that this connection has been researched, but my thyroid disease
(which preceded my CD) did not improve on a GF diet.  In fact, my MD
periodically checks my TSH, T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies and they have
remained stable.  Thyroid antibodies have not decreased.   Liz
I know that this connection has been researched, but my thyroid disease
(which preceded my CD) did not improve on a GF diet.  In fact, my MD
periodically checks my TSH, T3, T4 and thyroid antibodies and they have
remained stable.  Thyroid antibodies have not decrease. Liz
You might check in to other food sensitivities if you haven't. Dr. Fine
identified that I also have immune responses to three different proteins
in milk. I know that milk makes me exhausted, makes my legs ache, and
causes flares with my LS.

LS stands for Lichen Sclerosis, which is a skin disease--most usually on
the vulvar and anal skin (if you can take this--(smile). Men also get it
on their penis--mostly uncircumcized men. It is a terrible problem for
most--constant burning, pain, itching, skin ulcers, anal and vulvar
fissures, and characterized by having whitened vulvar skin and as you
might imagine, pain and inability to have pain free sex. It is only
treated by cortizone creams, estrogen creams, testosterone creams, and
whatever else is under the kitchen sink. Now there is a relatively new
immunosuppressant on the market called Protopic that seems to be having
some effect for some
people. I have actually wondered if this new type of drug would be
effective for Dermatitis Herpetiformis but when I tried to post this
question to this list, it was rejected. I was wondering if any doctor had
prescribed it for
DH, (So, who am I????? (laugh).  Nobody knows what causes LS. There are
practically no research studies. Nobody is looking for a cause--just
trying to exploit the condition monetarily, as I see it. I think it has
something to do with yeast infections or sensitivities to yeast--at least
in my case. Some people find relief with various of these treatments. I
find that if I don't eat dairy and gluten I have no problem at all and I
feel so
lucky to  have inadvertently discovered this. Some others on my other
list have also found relief by cutting out certain foods--mostly grains
and dairy--but as you know, it is difficult to give up our most basic and
favorite foods which are gluten and dairy, so most people disregard what
I say. (Too bad for them!!! (smile). They seem to be hung up with
thinking that hormones are involved in some way and the list owner has
encouraged that because she thinks it and estrogen cream, etc. helped
her. ??????
Armour thyroid , Synthroid and many other prescription drugs can be
ordered legally w/o a prescription from this pharmacy in Mexico:
http://www.medsmex.com/prod-list_2.html ]  My friend, my son & I have all
used Armour thyroid from this pharmacy & found it to be satisfactory.
My situation is a bit opposite from yours.  I have Grave's Disease and am
hyperthyroid taking Tapazole.  On advice of first endo, I went GF
(without testing...I was naive then).  I went into remission and was on a
maintenance dose of Tapazole.  TSH went from less then 0.001 to 61.08.
Advice of another doctor several months later...go on Gluten Challenge.
Within a month, thyroid way out of wack, T4 and T3 are out of control and
hyper, hyper, hyper!!  Was finally tested for Celiac, all blood work
negative. Doctors wanted GF because it is documented to have an affect on
my thyroid.  Back to GF and starting to feel much, much better.
HOpefully, will be back to maintenance dose really soon.  Rebecca

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