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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
L and N Matsui <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 05:53:35 +0000
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L and N Matsui <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (54 lines)
<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

The subject of cardiology-related symptoms of CD and CD-associated
cardiological disease has not been reviewed.  So, here I attempt to
summarize readings of research papers and abstracts of research papers
dealing with the topic.  I have posted this subject matter before but I
didn't previously ask if any listmates also have a form of cardiomyopathy,
or specifically Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.  In my family history is a form
of genetic hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which like CD can be missed and some
times before a person is found to have it he/she may experience an episode
of sudden cardiac arrest, or syncope (fainting).  I wanted to know if any
listmate has either hypertrophic or dilated cardiomyopathy and CD.

CD and cardiomyopathy and heart failure
A study of 642 patients who were candidates for heart transplant in Italy
found that 1.9% had anti-endomysial antibodies (AEA) (compared to 0.35% of
720 healthy controls) and that 2.2% of 275 patients with dilated
cardiomyopathy were AEA-positive (compared to 1.6% in the remaining
transplant candidates) (Prati D, et al, 2002, Am J Gastroenterol 97:218;
Prati D, et al, 2002, Dig Liver Dis 34:39).  Although an association was
found, there was no way to assess cause and affect.  The AEA-positive
patients and AEA-negative patients presented with similar cardiologic
criteria and had similar 2-year post-transplant survival.  Similar, but more
limited findings were described in preliminary data (Curione M, et al, 1997,
Lancet 354: 222).  The authors suggest a study of whether a GFD improves
cardiac function in such patients.
A study in Italy found that 5% of 60 elderly (over 65 years) CD patients
died during the study due to heart failure (Gasbarrini G, et al, 2001,
Gerontology 47:306).  The authors determined that this was significantly
higher than the non-CD population, but don?t give a non-CD rate.
Furthermore, 0.4% of 226 non-elderly adult CD patients died with heart
failure as the cause and this rate was not significantly higher than the
comparable non-CD population.  Other cardiological symptoms and disorders
were not assessed.

See Part 2 for:
Common causes?
CD and autoimmune myocarditis
Other Cardiologic Diseases


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