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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List


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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Rose Mary Mueller <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 15 Aug 2002 14:46:25 -0500
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Rose Mary Mueller <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Our Heartland Celiac Disease/Dermatitis Herpetiformis Support Group held our first themed Evening Awareness Group co-sponsored by Western Baptist Hospital in Paducah, Ky.  Pat Reiter, Head of the Education Department and Maria Inman, Medical Educator, made the logistical arrangements.  Maria produced a sophisticated informative brochure and we circulated over 300 copies.  Tiffany Blazina (Marketing Dept.) assisted by Beth Elder and Emily Wilson sent publicity releases to the media.Ruth Kraper R.D. (Dietary Chief) and Laura Grief-King, R.D. volunteered their expertise; with the help of the Dietary Staff produced a regal display of food and info

Our featured speaker was Connie Sarros, who has written: "Wheat-Free Gluten-Free  Desserts" "Wheat Free Gluten Free Reduced Calorie Cookbook" and "Wheat Free Gluten Free Cookbook For Kids."  Connie is an enthusiastic speaker and she has accrued lots of insight into C.D. as she tours the USA speaking to groups.  You can reach Connie:  www.glutenfreecookbook.com.

The Western Baptist Hospital kitchen prepared a super Carrot Cake and Chocolate Chip Pie from Connie's recipes.  Food Service Director Richard Kilgore was supportive from the very beginning of our project.  Assistant Director, Ryan Hayes took a real interest in gluten-free cooking and made sure the recipes were ready to go.  The heavenly desserts were prepared by Pam Franklin.  The buffet tables (laden with gf foods) were so  attractive they must have been made in GF Heaven.

Miss Robens did a spectacular job of providing snacks, pretzels, cake mixes, cookies, fruit rollups and even dehydrated vegetables that are eaten like popcorn.  They even sent a gf hand lotion.  You can request a catalog at www.missroben.com.  

We also feasted on a creamy Rice Macaroni & Cheese from Amy's, served in a silver chafing dish.  Amy also sent a clever binder featuring their frozen entrees.  These are available in health food stores or: www.amys.com

Pamela's Products also provided tasty treats lots of her cookies along with discount coupons and door prizes.  Check out: www.pamelasproducts.com. or the cookie section in your local health food store.  Dietary Specialties sent cake and cookie mixes which were very easy to prepare; the cornbread was a huge success.  You can phone them : 800-544-0999.

Lani Thompson (www.clanthompson.com) sent 2002 edition list of gf foods, prescriptions and over the counter medications.  We use these booklets because they fit in a pocket, are reasonably priced and constantly updated.  She also has e-books on her site (some free) as well as PDA versions.

We were also impressed with the uplifting  "Living Without" magazine and the restaurant cards.  This is a bright, perky publication with lots of new ideas.

We also received help and info from Cynthia Kupper, CRD, executive director of the Gluten Intolerance Group.  The Heartland Support Group is a proud partner of Gluten Intolerance Group, a national 501c3.  (www.gluten.net).  Cynthia has been dynamic
advocate for celiacs; she works tirelessly to make our lives easier.

Mickey Ellis, webmaster of www.healthsearchonline.com featured our program on her informative website.

We are so grateful to the following professionals who used their own personal time to perform health screenings:  Terri Walters (Radiation Oncology), Diane Hesley(Emergency Room) Charlotte Wallace (ICU) and Nancy Dixon (PACU).

Marge Johannemann, founder of the Louisville, Ky., CSA  Support Group and her husband Bill, added a lot of wise ideas and experiences.  Missy Kern, a mom with an autistic son who is on the gluten free/casein free diet discussed the process of weaning a child from allergenic foods.

One of the greatest fears of celiacs is getting gluten free food while they are in the hospital.  This is not an issue at Western Baptist Hospital.  Ruth Kraper, RD and Laura Grief King have spent many hours reading and researching our diet and attending our meetings.  We are so fortunate that we have a premier institution which cares about our special needs.  Western  Baptist will soon open a new state of the art Digestive Health Center.

We have meetings scheduled for September 17 and October 15 in the Atrium Conference Room (Doctor's Building 2) at Western Baptist at noon.  If you are interested in attending an evening meeting or to be added to our mailing list, please contact::  [log in to unmask]  or [log in to unmask]

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