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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 9 Nov 2002 19:30:50 -0500
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

I agree completely. We all have phones (thus being online) why can't they call if they have serious questions... I think it is a sign of laziness and/or dependent behavior... I have called and recalled to verify things before I eat them. I am sorry people have challenged you. There is a forum on Delphi that has lists where we have verified products, dates and time called. If you feeled
compelled to share info that is a good neutral ground. Good Luck!!
For those who have been on this list for several years, it has been standard for persons to say that something is gf because as they would say "I don't have a reaction".  But, as proved, many people don't react the same to foods, gf or not.  Even though when you say something is gf and you know that it is confirmed, others on this don't happen to know that unless it is stated.  Not all persons are as conscientious as you are in the postings of gf foods. Thus, I think many feel it is just necessary practice to take the few extra seconds and state that whatever product you are mentioning has been confirmed by phone, letter or whatever method. It is really nice that you help us all by checking on the gf status of products, many people don't
take the initiative.  So, thank you.
hi susan
has someone been 'nasty' to you from the list? i hate to say it but there are a 'few' who can be...ive belonged to this for almost two years and honestly only twice have i had rude responses...there's always at least one in every group...most of the people on this list are very nice and understanding and patient...so dont feel silly about posting ANYthing you want to or need help with..if anyone is rude to you just write back and tell them you dont appreciate it..thats what i did...some people in this world are just angry and look for opportunities to try and make other people feel bad...dont!!! hang in there 
First off, there are a large number of JERKS on this list who love to lecture and be "holier than thou" I just choose to ignore them. Personally... I LOVE when people share their new GF finds. I just usually say weather I called, wrote, emailed, etc. You can include contact info and USUALLY the jerks won't bother you. Keep sending and keep sharing.. no reason to let the grumpy ones get you down. Most of the rest of us appreciate your efforts. 
I personally have never made such a post. I do generally trust posts I see on here. In fact, I think that many people on this list
unnecessarily avoid ingredients that are GF so the requirements of many listees are even more stringent than my own. I mean that I will consume distilled vinegar (I've distilled many times in organic chem labs so I am familiar with what happens and am comfortable there is no gluten there), modified food starch (I have looked it up in the CFR and find that it must be corn starch), etc. I do have a degree in nutrition and am familiar with how federal regulations on food labelling work so when in doubt of the labelling laws, I just go to the CFR online and look up the regulations so I am certain of what must be the case. 
Personally, I find that many of the celiacs on this list are overly defensive and have a holier-than-thou attitude as per "GF-ness" of a product. You must PROVE IT or they complain. Of course, maintaing a gluten-free diet is very important-- of the utmost importance. I try for zero gluten in my diet and avoid products that might be contaminated. But don't we all? If we didn't care that strongly about ourselves and our health odds are that we wouldn't be on this list in the first place! We are a community and should be able to rely on each other as much as possible in the confusing world of GF.
Now, excuse this garbling. End result: if you posted that something was GF-- I would assume that you had contacted the company and felt satisfied with their answer. What more would I ask? That would be exactly what I would do myself-- only that you saved me the time of doing it!
I think that sometimes people have a hard time understanding. Quite possible someone might have had that product -even tho gluten free and verified -had some type of reaction -so they continue to question. There are some days when I eat totally verfied gluten free foods and get a reaction - me personally -don't immediately blame the probuct -I check the ingredients again -if ok -I feel that maybe my system was just not in the mood to handle that food that day. I will try to food at a later time/date. People need to realize our systems are some day overly sensative or our system is out of wack -for the moment and that or any food will upset our
stomachs. It is not really the product -it is our system. Everyone has a different comfortable level when handling our diet. I have been celiac for over 20 years -I had been there -done that -and have paid the price -and am on a very strict diet for well
over 10 years -doctors gave me a choice -diet or die!!! I chose the diet. Another note- it is possible to that one celiac might react to -another might not . Hope this helps -I know there hads been alot  of "upset" on the net lately....
Hi Susan,
I won't blast you at all.  I've asked for some information and received conflicting opinions, even from those who haved called the company.  I have called companies myself and received erroneous information.  Whoever blasts you for any possible contribution you make here to this list is just a moron.  We are here to help one another, but we cannot be perfect, and we cannot always be totally accurate.  I have had people question me on tiny little personal problems I've experienced with my disease, almost as if they were in charge of all Celiac problems and knew best.  I don't even respond to these people when I see their questions posted, so in the end they lose out.Love and peace
I notice that some people include in their posts the 1-800 number of the company that they called for GF info. That way others can call the number to verify if they wish.
I don't believe I've ever communicated with you before, but I would like to respond to your post. One of the biggest problems celiacs have is with the reliability of information regarding GF status. Although the situation is improving, for many years the GF
information given out by the support groups, especially CSA, has been riddled with errors. GF info provided by individuals is also often contradictory and sometimes merely based on personal reactions. Even information provided by companies is
often wrong because they don't really understand the issues or are motivated by either marketing or legal considerations. So it behooves us all to be careful and sceptical about any information we receive regarding CD or gluten-freeness. I am sure the people who have questioned you mean nothing personal by it. If you put the explanation in your note below into your posts it would help us all and presumably eliminate the questioning.
Hi Susan. I feel comfortable if the person says, "I called/emailed/faxed Company XYZ on October 12 and received this reply:" etc. I never go by the anecdotal information, however. I appreciate knowing what people find out from the various companies. Thanks. 
I have never recieved or given out such a reply. I have questioned, however, if something goes against what I've learned, and I just need to get it straight. I also believe that we are all trying to help each other to the best of our abilities, and if we can't trust our own community, then how can we even open our mouth to ask the question.

*Support summarization of posts, reply to the SENDER not the CELIAC List*