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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Craig Dooley <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 29 Oct 2002 09:22:28 -0800
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Craig Dooley <[log in to unmask]>
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Thanks to the 30+ responses!  Overall, folks think it
is just one of the joys of parenthood and I need to
weather these precious years...  Or it is just a fact
of getting old -- but I'm only 32! :(  Many had
specific suggestions on boosting immunity to colds and
flus, focusing on Vitamin C, E, balanced B's, Zinc and
Echinacea (most popular).

Some people cautioned that since Celiac Disease is an
autoimmune disorder, boosting one's immune system
would actually make conditions worse.  On the surface
that seems to make sense, but after thinking about it,
if there is no gluten in my system, how can that be
the case?  As I understand it, the immune system
attacks the presense of gluten only, not your body in
general or other foreign substances/viruses any
differently than someone without Celiac.  I wonder if
there is a doctor who can comment on a medical basis
to the list?

Summary of suggestions:
* Many antibiotics affect the flora balance in your GI
system.  You can correct the balance by adding
acidophilus, which is available as a supplement.
* Whenever I feel a cold coming on, at the slightest
sniffle, I begin to take Echinacea, usually two
tablets three times a day.  However, a person can take
two tablets every two hours not to exceed 16 tablets
in a 24 hour period and get even better results.  The
brand I use is made by Zand and is called Insure
Herbal formula.  It includes goldenseal and a number
of other herbs that support the immune system.
* Use Coldcalm, a homeopathic medicine made by the
Boiron company.  It is non-drowsy and has no drug
interactions, and shortens the life of a cold greatly.
 This product can be bought in a health food store,
and the same company, Boiron, makes a product to be
used when the diagnosis is flu.  The earlier one takes
the respective product, the better, at the onset of a
cold or the flu.
* Take six capsules of Astragalus root per day.  This
is an herb that bolsters the immune system.  It isn't
as potent as echinacea, but it can be taken
continuously and echinacea cannot.
* Natural immune potentiator made from the yeast cell
walls, called 'Immunition' and made by a company
called NSC.  It can be found on the web at nsc24.com.
You can get it in some health food stores, but can
order direct at 1-888-541-3997. It is somewhat
expensive, but is worth it, because it works.
* Check my "complement levels" in my blood.  This is
an immunological protein that is sometimes low with
certain autoimmune diseases and it can make you more
susceptible to certain infections.
* Take essential fatty acids (EFAs) which can be found
in flax seed, and beefing up your vitamin intake and
taking them faithfully every day.
* Cook with coconut oil, which is highly anti-viral
* Avoid soy
* Go off all starch and refined sugar for 1 year
* Read the book Nourishing Traditions for some good
ideas that are not usually thought of, but they aren't
easy to implement (most people just want to take an
extra pill or two!).
* Take "Grape Seed Extract"
* Try kefir smoothies
* See a Doctor of Naturopathy for suggestions on
* Ask your questions at this other excellent GF forum:
* Stick to the diet, of course
* Reduce stress in your life

Thanks again!

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