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Mike Gravitt <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
Mike Gravitt <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 16 Aug 2004 18:55:34 -0400
text/plain (135 lines)
(Please forward.)
----- Original Message -----
From: "Lee Hassinger" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Monday, August 16, 2004 9:23 AM
Subject: First Executive Director of the CTC and Assistive Technology Author
on Disability Matters on August 17, 2004

Howard McClintic, the first Executive Director of the Concurrent
Technologies Corporation (CTC) Foundation and John M.Williams, assistive
technology author, will be featured with Joyce Bender on "Disability
Matters" on Tuesday, August 17, 2004, from 2 PM to 3 PM Eastern Time.

The goal of the CTC Foundation is to improve the quality of life for the
general public through unique economic development initiatives that
involve the private and public sectors, as well as non-profit
organizations.  Mr. McClintic joined the Foundation in October 1999,
although the Foundation was established in the prior year by Concurrent
Technologies Corporation, which is headquartered in Johnstown, PA and
has 20 offices nationwide.

Prior to joining the CTC Foundation, Mr. McClintic was the Executive
Director of The Jefferson Energy Foundation for 13 years, whose mission
was to inform and educate the public about the nation's energy choices
and risks.  He developed some 21 hours of programming for PBS at
Jefferson (and five hours more at CTC Foundation) and organized five,
two-day conferences, three National Energy Summits and two Energy in
Asia ones, all held at the National Press Club.

Mr. McClintic holds a B.A. in Political Science and Economics at The
George Washington University, and was an intern for then U.S.
Congressman John Heinz from his District in Pittsburgh, PA.

John Williams has been a professional writer for 35 years.  He has been
writing about disability issues since 1978 and is a former award winning
weekly columnist for Business Week Online Magazine.  One of the founders
of www.AT508.COM, he also writes a weekly column for the National
Organization on Disability, called Closing the Gap. Its url is NOD.ORG.
Mr. Williams coined the phrase "Assistive Technology."  He is also the
former founder and former publisher of Assistive Technology News, a
tabloid newspaper covering assistive technology issues.

On disability issues, Mr. Williams has interviewed President George
Bush, former President Bill Clinton, former Vice President Al Gore,
former first lady Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Janet Reno,
Clint Eastwood, Governor Jesse Ventura, former Speaker of the House Newt
Gingrich, former Senator Max Cleland, Congressman Jim Langevin, Vinton
Cerf (one of the founding fathers of the Internet), Country Western
singer Mel Tillis, Microsoft's CEO Steve Ballmer, and other noted people
in the disability arena.  Mr. Williams holds a Bachelor of Arts degree
in Philosophy from King's College.

The host of Disability Matters, Joyce A. Bender, is President and CEO of
Bender Consulting Services, Inc. (BCS) and its "sister company" Bender
Consulting Services of Canada, Inc. (BCSC).  BCS provides competitive
employment opportunities for Americans with disabilities in the areas of
information technology, engineering, finance/accounting, human resources
and general business.  In 1985, Joyce had a life-threatening accident
due to epilepsy, which caused an intracranial hemorrhage that required
subsequent brain surgery.  Against all odds, Joyce recovered from this
accident that left her with a 60 percent hearing loss in one ear and a
realization that she had epilepsy.  As a result of her personal
experience, she developed a passion for helping people with disabilities
and founded both companies.  Ms. Bender is the recipient of the 2003 New
Freedom Initiative Award from the Bush Administration, as well as the
1999 President's Award from President Clinton.

For more information on Joyce A. Bender and her companies, Bender
Consulting Services, Inc. and Bender Consulting Services of Canada,
Inc., visit,  or To learn more about Voice America, visit, .   Past radio broadcasts are archived on  To learn more about the CTC Foundation
visit, .  To learn more about John Williams' body of
work, visit

Upcoming Guests include:

Date:   August 24, 2004

Guest:  Merril Hoge

Title:    Chairman of the Board for the Caring Foundation of Western, PA
and Former Running

             Back of the Pittsburgh Steelers

Date:     August 31, 2004

Guest:    Marca Bristo

Title:      President  & CEO of Access Living

Date:     September 7, 2004

Guest:   Alan Reich

Title:     Founder of the National Organization on Disability (NOD)

For More Information Contact:
Lee Hassinger
Associate Research Assistant
Bender Family of Companies
Penn Center West III, Suite 223
Pittsburgh PA  15276
Phone:  412-787-8567
Fax:  412-787-7178
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Please tune in to "Disability Matters" talk show, hosted by Joyce
Bender, every Tuesday at 2:00pm EST at  Archived
shows can be found on

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