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Flor Lynch <[log in to unmask]>
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Flor Lynch <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 31 Oct 2002 01:35:14 -0000
text/plain (154 lines)
Brand awareness, indeed.  Perhaps the physical-spam authors themselves
ought to be defaced - physically branded, in other words, so that they
themselves become more brand aware!!?

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Zielinski" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Wednesday, October 30, 2002 5:00 PM
Subject: New York Tells Microsoft to Get Its Butterfly Decals Out of

Practically free publicity for the virtual monopolists.

>From the web page:

   The New York Times Sponsored by Starbucks

October 25, 2002

New York Tells Microsoft to Get Its Butterfly Decals Out of Town


   T wo days after city inspectors ripped up illegal Nike advertising
   decals glued to sidewalks along Central Park West, Microsoft
   a swarm of large adhesive butterflies in Manhattan.

   They settled yesterday morning on sidewalks and doorways; traffic
   signals, stop signs and planters. They alighted on the bluestone
   paving around Grand Army Plaza and the granite corners around Grand
   Central Terminal.

   Their blue, green, orange and yellow wings had spans of 12 to 20
   inches, the larger ones accompanied by a caption "It's better with
   Butterfly" advertising Microsoft's new MSN 8 Internet service.

   "This is nothing more than corporate graffiti," said Vanessa Gruen,
   director of special projects for the Municipal Art Society, a civic
   organization that has long battled commercialization of public space.
   "It's no better than all those kids out there tagging subway cars."

   And no more legal, city officials said.

   "We intend to hold your firm directly responsible for this illegal,
   irresponsible and dangerous defacing of public property," wrote Cesar
   A. Fernandez, assistant counsel of the Transportation Department, in
   letter sent yesterday to the Microsoft Corporation.

   His letter instructed Microsoft to remove the decals from city
   property immediately and warned that further placement might lead to
   "legal proceedings which may include, but not be limited to, a
   for injunctive relief and additional monetary damages; and criminal

   "I trust and hope that these offensive activities are not the
   authorized acts of your organization's employees and agents," Mr.
   Fernandez wrote, requesting a reply from Microsoft with assurances
   that its promotional staff and agents would be directed "to avoid
   illegal conduct."

   A single summons was issued, with a $50 penalty, though each
   could have been subject to a $50 fine, said Tom Cocola, the assistant
   commissioner for public affairs at the transportation agency. He said
   the city's chief goal was seeing to it that the decals are removed.

   Microsoft, for its part, insisted that it was authorized to place the

   "There are permits for everything," said Colleen Lacter of Waggener
   Edstrom, a public relations firm representing Microsoft, emerging
   a tent at Wollman Rink in Central Park after an MSN 8 promotional

   "This is not a repeat of Nike," she added. But she would not tell a
   reporter what agency had issued the permits. After a brief huddle
   two people whom she identified as being from McCann-Erickson, the
   advertising firm handling the account, Ms. Lacter said: "There's
   nothing else to say. They didn't want to get into a discussion about
   the details."

   The law, Section 19-138 of the New York City administrative code,
   states: "It shall be unlawful for any person to deface any street by
   painting, printing or writing thereon, or attaching thereto, in any
   manner, any advertisement or other printed matter."

   The butterflies found on vertical surfaces were made of flimsy
   plastic, held in place by static electricity and easily removable.
   sidewalk decals were a heavier plastic, with a roughly textured
   surface. Though they were stuck to the pavement, they too could be
   lifted off fairly easily.

   And that is what the Grand Central Partnership set out to do
   afternoon as it confronted butterfly decals on some of the special
   pink granite sidewalks it has installed at 172 intersections from
   Fifth to Second Avenues, 38th to 48th Streets. These include curb
   for the disabled.

   "Anything that impairs the ability of someone to move on those
   accessible corners is a concern," said Marc A. Wurzel, general
   to the partnership, which runs the business improvement district.
   "It's a unique form of guerrilla advertising."

   In a state of some astonishment, Ms. Gruen took in the scene outside
   the Municipal Art Society office at the Villard Houses, Madison
   and 51st Street. There were butterflies on building facades, a
   telephone booth and a Grand Central Partnership newspaper vending

   "It's illegal," she said, "and they're going to get a lot of
   for it."

   That may have been the point. "It's a tremendous opportunity," Ms.
   Lacter said, "for us to build brand awareness."

   Copyright The New York Times Company | Permissions | Privacy

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