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The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky


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frank scott <[log in to unmask]>
Reply To:
The philosophy, work & influences of Noam Chomsky
Thu, 1 Jun 2000 21:58:15 -0700
text/plain (135 lines)
Call for A Day of Action Against Capitalism across North America on
September 26, 2000

In solidarity with the global day of action worldwide, we propose that
communities throughout North America organize actions for September
26th, 2000.

>From September 26th to 28th 2000, the International Monetary Fund and
the World Bank are holding their 55th annual summit in Prague. A mass
mobilization of people to Prague has begun. On September 26, peoples of
the world will express their opposition to the World Bank and the IMF
and their policies. Peoples of the world will join together in an
expression of solidarity with the demonstrators in Prague in recognition

that the capitalist system, based on the exploitation of people,
societies, and the environment for the profit of a few, is the prime
cause of our social and ecological troubles.

Groups in Asia, Australia, Central and South America and Europe have
already been meeting about the Day of Action and many are planning to
both send activists to Prague, and also to organize decentralized local
actions in communities around the world. After the days of action on
April 16th, the Republican and Democratic Conventions and the OAS/FTAA
conference, and countless important local actions against injustice, it
is important that communities across North America continue to express
our visions of resistance on this Global Day of Action.

The September 26 Global Day of Action proceeds from the successes of the

previous global Days of Action against Capitalism on May 16th 1998, June

18th and November 30th 1999, and May 1st of this year. S26 expands on
these days in the same spirit. Through those days our networks grew, we
learned much, and we saw many new people engage themselves. September 26

will continue the process of building a strong, bold and creative
grassroots movement for a society which is based on solidarity,
co-operation, grassroots democracy and sustainability.

Workers, the unemployed, immigrants, students, people of color, trade
unionists, peasants, the landless, fishers, women’s groups, queer
groups, ethnic minorities, indigenous peoples, peace activists,
environmental activists, ecologists and so on will work in solidarity
with one another in the understanding that our various struggles are not

isolated from one another. The simultaneous occupation and
transformation of the capitalist social order around the globe ? in the
streets, neighborhoods, fields, factories, offices, commercial centers,
financial districts and so on ? will strengthen mutual bonds at the
local, national and international levels and express a strong message of

resistance and solidarity.

As before, the day will be organized as a decentralised and informal
network of grassroots groups that employ non-authoritarian, democratic
forms of organization, and seek to effect change directly through their
own action. Each event or action will be organized autonomously by each
group, reflecting local priorities and needs, while coalitions of
various movements and groups can be formed on the local, regional or
national levels.

If you or your group plan to join this day of action, please let others
know as soon as possible, to facilitate networking and communication.
There are several international mailing lists available for open
discussions and co-ordination. A public international contact list is
regularly posted to these lists in order to facilitate decentralized
networking. To have your contact information added to it, please contact

[log in to unmask] indicating (a) the country and location in which you
plan to take action, plus any other information you see fit, for
instance (b) the name of your group, coalition or yourself, (c) the
events or actions being planned, (d) your land address, (e) your email
address, (f) your telephone number, (g) fax number or (h) website.


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