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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Thomas Bridgeland <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 26 Jan 2003 10:19:34 +0900
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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On Sunday, January 26, 2003, at 08:43  AM, MARION R MORRIS wrote:

> I'm 61 yrs. old & have RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS (RA), insulin resistance,
> fatigue, & general malaise. I've been on this diet for17 days with no
> cheating & no relief. It's been very rough - I've never liked to cook &
> my energy level is way down by dinner time & often all day.
> And giving up
> coffee for green tea is hell. Still I take walks & do mild exercise for
> years.

Hello Audrey. Arthritis is nothing to play around with! I hope you can
find some relief. I had serious knee pain for 20 years, but it took
about 6 months for it to disappear after I started the Paleo diet. I
have had no pain in more than a year now. Unfortunately for you, I do
not have rheumatoid arthritis, so my experience may not be applicable
to your situation. But I hope that you can get some inspiration, I had
thought that after 20 years my knees would NEVER heal completely, but
they have.
> I tried the "Protein Power" diet but couldn't go that low on carbs., &
> the "Carbohydrate Addicts" diet for months on which I lost 13 lbs. Only
> lost about 4 lbs. on Paleo - need 5-10 lbs. more, or at least to loose
> my
> big tummy. I try to keep the fruit & nuts low but it's hard.

Both the Protein Power and Carb Addicts diets are not too bad. The big
difference with Paleo is that on Paleo you MUST eliminate grains
completely to get the benefits. I felt much better within days of
starting the paleo diet. It was a miracle, and I hate using that word,
it sounds like silly enthusiasm, but I had all of the "normal" aches
and pains of a 40 year old man who had used his body hard. Lots of
sports injuries, and leftover intestinal troubles from a life spent
world traveling.

It sounds like you have lost some weight. No need to lose too fast!
Cutting back on fruits, and eliminating grains and potatoes should
help. Eat those nuts though. They have lots of good fats, so you will
feel full and have more energy. If you feel low on energy, eat more
fat, eat a little whenever you feel hungry. I have found soup and stews
very easy to cook and keep, it makes food prep more convenient.
> I'm not good at computer, but please, someone with RA whose condition
> has
> improved eating this way, tell me of your experience. I NEED HOPE NOW
> to
> stop getting worse, stay off drugs, & stick to this natural way of
> eating
> that makes sense to me, at least in theory.

Go to

There is a lot of useful information here, including some about RA.

I use tobacco too, but it does not seem to affect my eating. Obviously
you do not want to start smoking again, but that should not change you
decision to do the paleo diet. Paleo will not make you nicotine
cravings worse. just stick with the patches or gum. Even if the gum has
a little sugar it is not enough to hurt your diet by itself.

Good luck! People on this list are very supportive, and there are some
other RA people here who should be able to help you more.