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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 12:37:02 -0600
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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
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> > 1)  Why did you choose the paleo plan?

It's always made sense to me to eat foods that are made by nature and can
be eaten raw.

> > 2)  How long have you been on a paleo diet?

1 year.

> > 3)  Which plan do you most closely follow and which book can't you live
> > without?

I don't really follow a plan, I just eat things which nature makes - but I
try and avoid those which affect me (grains, rice, etc.)

> > 4)  What have been your results - health improvements, weight loss, etc.

Most dramatic change was the lack of fatigue and the mental clarity.  I
haven't lost any weight on this program.  It used to be impossible for me
to go to the gym because of exhaustion, exercise would make me feel even
more tired;   now, I exercise on a daily basis and I feel great.  I also
regrew some hair, I've been losing hair ever since my fatigue symptoms
started at age 11/12, and it was nice to see some come back.  The new hair
doesn't get longer than about an inch, but it's better than nothing.

> > 5)  Did you have any addictions when you started that were hard to kick; if
> > so, how did you do it  (cold turkey or slow withdrawal)???

Ice cream and beer were the hardest.  Cold turkey is the only way for me,
as I find that slow withdrawal never relieves me of the cravings.

All alcohol affects me (tiredness, itching), but I still have the
occasional glass of wine.

> > 6)  Are there any "paleo foods" which you exclude from the diet because
> they
> > don't work for you?

Most fruits give me digestive problems, so I try to eat them in small
quantities.  Certain fishes (e.g., tuna)  give me back a load of my old
fatigue and mental fog, so I avoid those like the plague.

> > 7)  Are there any "non-paleo foods" which you seem to be able to handle in
> > small quantities while still maintaining your health improvements, etc.?

Yes, yams and potatoes.  Sometimes I slip up and eat dairy, and as long as
it is a rare occurrence it doesn't seem to bother me.

> > 8)  What is a typical paleo day for you?  (I'm particularly interested in
> > what you all have for breakfast as I don't like eggs)

Well, I don't have a typical day, so here's what I've had in the last 24 hours:

Sunday breakfast: Salmon omelette: 3 eggs, non-farm-raised salmon, organic
spring onions, one organic tomato, pesto sauce (basil leaves, coconut milk,
salt, pepper, garlic)

Sunday afternoon: Marinated pork chops with a pineapple salsa:   - I excluded the soy
sauce, but left in the white wine.  I wish I'd left out the wine, because
it always makes my skin itch.

Sunday evening: Left-over pork from earlier, and boiled yams.

Monday breakfast: Cucumber salad: sliced organic cucumbers, olive oil,
white wine vinegar, salt, pepper

Monday lunch: I'll probably have a pear, one or two chicken sausages, and
maybe a boiled egg.  (Snack food for work, I don't have time to prepare a
meal the night before - I'm too busy)

Tonight:  I will probably have grilled salmon and a vegetable (e.g., squash)

I have this dish at least once per week (yum), but I usually replace the
rice with potatoes or vegetables:

> > 9)  Do you take any vitamins, supplements?

Salmon oil capsules, Pau D'arco, Chlorella, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Evening
Primrose Oil.  There's not too much logic behind my choice, it's all based
on experimentation and anecdotal reactions.  All five of these either
relieve symptoms, or improve energy and mental clarity.

> > 10)  What about exercise?

Monday: Step aerobics
Tuesday: Kick Boxing
Wednesday: Step aerobics, followed by weekly yoga class
Thursday: Kick Boxing
Friday: Various machines (cross ramp, treadmill, step, spin cycles, etc.)
and/or weight training
Saturday: Nice long walk down town with the doggies
Sunday: Hiking, or playing golf, or another leisurely walk with the pups

I also do yoga about 4 or 5 nights per week before going to bed
