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Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 22 Apr 2002 13:31:04 -0500
Paleolithic Eating Support List <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (85 lines)
Welcome, Karen!

>1)  Why did you choose the paleo plan?

I had done low-carb (Atkins, then Protein Power) already, this seemed to be
the next step. I particularly like the emphasis on natural, unprocessed,
unrefined food. Many in the low-carb community seem to be intent on
replacing low fat junk food with low carb protein bars, shakes etc. I want
to eat real food!

>2)  How long have you been on a paleo diet?

Around 4 months.

>3)  Which plan do you most closely follow and which book can't you live

Protein Power Lifeplan, because I like the 3 levels of paleo purity, but
Neanderthin and Cordain's book are really good too!

>4)  What have been your results - health improvements, weight loss, etc.

I had already lost about 25 lb, when I started paleo. Since then have lost
a further 5 lb, hope to lose more! My hay fever, which used to afflict me
even in the winter, has virtually disappeared and I no longer have to take
antihistamines, nasal spray and eye drops. (Which helps to pay for all the
meat I eat.) No longer feel sleepy in the afternoons. Since reading 'Lights
Out', I've gone to bed earlier, covered up all digital lights at night, and
wake up earlier feeling refreshed.

>5)  Did you have any addictions when you started that were hard to kick; if
>so, how did you do it  (cold turkey or slow withdrawal)???

see answer to 7!

>6)  Are there any "paleo foods" which you exclude from the diet because
>don't work for you?

I try to limit dried fruit and nuts, simply because I easily get carried
away and eat far too much of them!

>7)  Are there any "non-paleo foods" which you seem to be able to handle in
>small quantities while still maintaining your health improvements, etc.?

I still have coffee with cream, and small amounts of chocolate quite often,
with no repercussions. I also drink wine quite a lot but have to admit that
does tend to undermine the plan! But I love wine so am happy to trade off
being strict during the week against socialising at the weekend.

>8)  What is a typical paleo day for you?  (I'm particularly interested in
>what you all have for breakfast as I don't like eggs)

For breakfast: either a couple of hardboiled eggs and some berries (usually
defrosted from frozen) or some cold meat and berries. The Protein Power
Lifeplan says to have protein at every meal, but Cordain says eat lots of
fruit and veg, so here I am trying to balance the two!
For lunch: usually a mixed salad including a small avocado, and some cold
meat or fish.
For dinner: cooked chicken, or beefburgers, or some other meat, and leafy
green veg. Also perhaps a fruit.

>9)  Do you take any vitamins, supplements?

I take flax oil and a calcium/magnesium supplement.
The flax because I prefer it to cod liver oil, and also because I think I
sometimes suffer from omega 6 deficiency (yup, that's right, omega 6 not
3), and flax has both. A book I found useful is 'Fats that Heal, Fats that
Kill', by Udo Erasmus, although it's not strictly paleo.
Calcium/magnesium because osteoporosis is in the family.
I don't bother with vitamin pills because it acts as an encouragement to
eat plenty of fruit and veg.

>10)  What about exercise?

I do weights 2-3 times a week, as heavy as possible, and try to go for a
walk on the other days - weather permitting. I read an article recently
that said that 5 minutes or so of skipping a day is a good form of cardio
(my main problem with cardio is I find it so boring), so I am planning to
try that out soon.

Cheers, and good luck!
