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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
omar joof <[log in to unmask]>
Sun, 30 Nov 2003 04:25:47 +0000
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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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>From: "omar joof" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: [>-<] [Fwd: Jammeh: YDE belongs to me]
>Date: Sun, 30 Nov 2003 03:33:16 +0000
>[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering by "omar joof"
><[log in to unmask]> ]
>" Islam has been personalised, regionalised, nationalised and tribalised",
>the president of the Gambia Yaya Jammeh is quoted to have said. I may not
>be competent to comment on religious matters, since religion is not my area
>of specialisation, but by making the foregone assertion, President Jammeh
>betrays his ignorance of what constitutes Islam so ignominously, that I am
>tempted to comment. Fundamentally, "Islam" means submission to the will of
>Allah. Allah is not personal, regional, national or "tribal". Besides, the
>Muslim Umma in the Gambia is one of the most homogeneous in the world. Can
>President Jammeh identify any mosque in the Gambia which accepts only
>certain individuals, and bars the rest from attending prayers there?
>Gambian muslims generally speaking, do not take orders from marabouts. To
>say Islam has been "tribalised" in the Gambia, is the most preposterous
>assertion anyone can make. Can he tell us of a mosque in the Gambia where
>persons belonging to a particular ethnic group only go to worship, and
>others are barred from doing so? Even by using the term "tribalised",
>president Jammeh shows how unprogressive and unschooled he is!
>"What is happening in this country is "haram", particularly in business."
>President Jammeh should be informed that Gambian businesses are not run by
>islamic law or "sharia". The fundamental law in the Gambia has absolutely
>nothing to do with islam. Even the legal requirements for the establishment
>of businesses have nothing to do with Islam. When business enterpreneures
>are corrupted, it is not because they have been adhering to the dictates of
>Islam. Indeed, no person is ever deemed corrupt because she or he belongs
>to a particular religion. I am really curious to know why Yaya Jammeh uses
>every muslim feast as an occasion to lambast Gambian muslims. And he does
>this to muslims only! He should be informed that the Gambia's economic woes
>do not emanate from the fact that some of us are muslims!
>"The problem in the country is not the economy but greed and
>mercilessness." Is this assertion representative of the majority of
>Gambians? It is those who have more than their legal income, that can be
>justifiably accused of greed. More than sixty-five percent of Gambians are
>deemed to be below the poverty line and president Jammeh knows this. Poor
>and suffering Gambians expect something better from their head of state,
>who is in fact on their pay role to improve their lot! In the context the
>statement is made, it can safely be concluded that president Jammeh meant
>to say that Gambians are greedy because they are Muslims, which means
>therefore that muslims by their nature are greedy. There can be nothing
>farther from the truth!  President Jammeh should be reminded that Gambians
>are daily witnesses to the wealth the top brass of the A(F)PRC (including
>himself) displays. They cannot tell Gambians, and Gambian muslims for that
>matter, that they all became so filthy rich because they have been adhering
>to the fundamental tennets of Islam. In fact, a president who ignorantly
>betrayed his greediness by telling the whole world that (after being
>president for only seven years) even his grandchildren will never suffer;
>told the whole world that after giving him funds for the state, foreign
>governments do also give him his share, has no moral justification to
>insult Gambian muslims. President Jammeh and his cohorts are indeed the
>greediest politicians we have seen in the Gambia since independence. They
>cannot insult muslims, because they are not better muslims than the people
>at whom he is directing his insults. President Jammeh's government presided
>over the summary execution of officers and men of the Gambia national army
>without going through the due process of the law; it presided over the
>inhuman murder of a state minister; it presided over the brutal murder of
>peacefully demonstrating students; and it continually presides over the
>looting and dislocation of our national economy, yet president Jammeh has
>the audacity on the ocassion of the blessed feast of Eid Mubarak, to blame
>our woes on Islam and Muslims?
>President Jammeh opined, "This is why we Muslims suffer more than people of
>other religions". Is this true? Do people suffer because they belong to a
>particular religion? And he claims to be a muslim, but is he suffering more
>than people of other religions? Oh WHAT A SHAME! What a shame indeed. But
>on second thought, it seems to me that this is all deliberate. Since July
>22nd 1994 this man has been insulting Gambian muslims. He utters the very
>words the enemies of Islam are directing against muslims and the religion
>of God. Insulting muslims and denegrating the religion! Is he one of us?
>Omar Joof.
>>From: Oko Drammeh <[log in to unmask]>
>>Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
>>To: [log in to unmask]
>>Subject: [>-<] [Fwd: Jammeh: YDE belongs to me]
>>Date: Sat, 29 Nov 2003 13:10:51 +0100
>><< message3.txt >>
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