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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Mon, 10 Nov 2003 18:10:15 +0100
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
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----- Original Message ----- 
From: [log in to unmask] 
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Sent: Monday, November 10, 2003 6:01 PM
Subject: [panafricanperspective] Re: Georgia is over 30% black; why no serious black recruitment by Dems?


As you intimate, the Democrats are as they have been historically a white supremacist party, its anti-African role in the US Civil War, and the subsequent Reconstruction; Wilson's avowed racism, his position that the role of the US in W.W.I should be to remain out as long as possible, so that there would be a white force to combat the "hordes" of African and Asians, his unabashed support for Jefferson Davis and the Confederacy, his ties to the Klan (including a White House screening of the Clansman, later titled the Birth of a Nation), his institution and reinstitution of segregation laws during his term, his clash with Monroe Trotter over his failure to meet the promises he made to his African supporters; FDR's refusal to intervene in the many racial pogroms in the country during his term, including the Detroit mob attacks in which his wife Eleanor is said to have explicitly asked him to intervene...(by the way as you know it was the New Deal administration's response to the depression that led to the mass embracing of the Democratic Party by our people -- until that time our people still felt a strong affinity to the party of Lincoln); Truman's lackluster policies; Robert Kennedy's tapping of MLK's phone, the link between JFK and LBJ administrations, their State Department, the Pentagon, CIA to the murderers of Lumumba, notwithstanding JFK's pronouncements about Lumumba, in the name of stability in the area -- but really for diamonds and other resources -- let us not forget the active military role of the US against the Lumumbaist forces under the guise of the UN during the administration of LBJ in particular, but a role that was initiated by Kennedy.  As you know the Carter administration, acting through people like Brzezinski worked overtime to prevent Pan-Africanism (the hooking up of Africans in the US with the Continent), to block the emergence of effective leadership and an independent African political party (as you point out i n your recent post on reparations), and the activity of individuals such fifth columnists as Young and Jordan opposing real African leadership in this country. Further it was the Carter administration that initiated cuts in social programs such as the Basic Educational Opportunity Grants and so forth; the Clinton administration role in the plane crash that served as a means of assassination the Presidents of Rwanda and Burundi, the major catalysts for many of the problems in the Great Lake and eastern African area, the attack on Sister Souljah, the silence on the Rodney King matter, their role in "welfare reform" and so on... 

The Democratic bigwigs have held for the past several years that their party must disassociate itself from identification with African people and the causes that matter to African people in this country.  This attitude gained great currency after the Reagan victory.   

This is why the CBC could not get one Democratic senator to support their efforts to deal with the Florida vote theft in the Bush - Gore election. 

The majority of the European rank and file in the Democratic party is racist to the core. In Chicago, when Harold Washington won the mayoralty, he did so despite the fact that the great bulk of white Democrats heeded the call by the Republicans to stop him "before it was too late".  As you know from your own campaign, the Democratic elite were in quiet complicity with the Republican-zionist assault on your movement and organization; and election campaign.  Ralph Nader in a recent statement points out that in the aforementioned Bush-Gore election, some 300,000 Democrats crossed over and voted for Bush. This speaks volumes to the real values animating the Democratic Party. 

At every level of the Dem. Party's leadership we can find this same racist direction. 

What should we do? 

The UNIA had an answer build organizations that can interact with both major parties based on our interests. Adam Clayton Powell had an answer, even if one does belong to the Democratic Party, he/she should also belong to every other party that they can join.  This as you know was the key to his success. 

In the end, the Carter people, in their fear of and opposition to the rise of the independent Black party in this country, point to the answer.  We need, desperately our own party.  It is only then will we be able to effectively ally and coalesce with other parties, such as the Greens, and even the bourgeois racist party when it is in our interest, on issues and programs.  It only then can we insure that the interest of our people and our culture are properly represented.  For in the end the Democrats and Republicans both serve the same master, as the membership log in such elite powerful UNELECTED structures as the CFR and Trilateral Commission prove. 

Let us get organized and tell people like Terry McAuliffe (chair of the DNC) to go to hell. 
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