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The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
Thu, 30 Oct 2003 18:09:07 +0000
The Gambia and related-issues mailing list <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Sanusi Owens <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (239 lines)

Please take it easy it with Gassa or else he will be
go underground again. Gassa is trying to sneek in
after so many months in the wilderness.

Welcome Gassa, but please note that we are deeply
aware about the situation. APRC have destroyed the
Gambia and it would need a miracle from God to save us
from their mismanagement.

Gass can't fool us about the realities, we know what
Jammeh has not achieved in the last 9 years. Operation
No Compromise sums up the APRC'S inability to save the
Gambia for econmic misery.

May God save our beloved nation from Jammehism


--- Joe Sambou <[log in to unmask]> wrote: > Chei
Jali Gassa!  Gassa, we are still here incase
> you forget.  You talked
> about cell phones in the Gambia, ask anyone from
> this end how many times
> they get folks with cell phones in the Gambia.  The
> few times one gets
> through you can't here each other and please don't
> tell me it's the US end.
> Owners of cell phones in the Gambia will tell you
> that they are useless for
> they do not work most of the time.
> "During the past two or three weeks the Dalasi has
> appreciated by more than
> 20% against some of these...."
> Gassa, the above is the same nonsense that Yaya
> lobbed at Gambians in his
> neurotic state for a speech.  So, please come with
> authentic stats.
> "Having said that, it is important to point out that
> it is misleading to
> portray us as a desperate and starving lot. We are
> not! Unbelievable as it
> may sound, we are coping reasonably well under the
> circumstances."
> Gassa, are you speaking for yourself or for the
> masses?  We had this
> discussion before.  We are not measuring the plight
> of Gambians by your
> situation or your other club members', but the
> masses in the country.
> Coping reasonably well!  Are you joking?
> Regarding Agriculture, Gassa, we hear the same
> nonsense for Yaya for the
> past nine years.  Every year is a bumper harvest for
> Gambians, yet the very
> farmers you are touting are the most marginalized
> and hungry.
> As for Tourism, please quit the disinformation.  And
> don't be shy with your
> cooked up statistics and translate your idea of "A
> Good Star" to us in
> stats.  I know you can drop us percentages faster
> than Alan Greenspan so
> spit them out.
> Gassa, one more mention of construction projects
> from you and I will ask
> George Sarr to delist you for deception in
> advertisement.  How many times
> have I told you that 9.5 out of every 10 fine
> construction that you boast
> about is financed by diasporans?  Are you that out
> of touch or in denial?
> On hospitals, if they are so equipped, why is Yaya
> and family not using
> them?  Also, why is your type not using them?  How
> many times have we seen
> you folks come to places like the US to steal health
> care?  So, please don't
> get me started on the health situation in that
> country.
> "Finally, according to the 2003 UN human Development
> Index, Gambia now ranks
> 25th out of the 25 least livable countries, ahead of
> many countries endowed
> with resources we do not have. Of the 25 least
> livable countries, The Gambia
> is the most livable!!!"
> Gassa, Gassa, Gassa!  You really believe we need to
> launch on a "Saurubaa"
> dancing rave on the above UN development index?
> What's the matter with you?
> Gassa, what I do not understand from you is that
> most of the state
> departments you mentioned ( Agriculture, Energy,
> etc) are headed Yaya and
> you don't hear him say a word about them.  Why,
> because electric supply is
> almost nonexistent.  We are counter among the 25
> worst on earth and you are
> grinning about being the top dog among the wretched
> list.  Really nice!
> Gassa, why did you conveniently leave out the great
> strides at GRTS?  You
> knew you could not fabricate on that one, for Borra
> admitted that half the
> country is not receiving signals for the past six
> months.
> Gassa, I think you are really overstaying your
> welcome, already.  How about
> giving us an eye witness account on the illegal
> incarceration of Dumo et al,
> Waa, Abdoulaye Sey, and other's arrests, or the
> tourching of the Independent
> Newspaper premesis?  You can also douse us a bonus
> on the firing of your
> ex-boss, Bakary Njie.  I suppose the switch of Yanks
> and Ngorr Sikim (Sillah
> Bai) is going to do us wonders.  Please tell us by
> how many percent their
> respective departments are going to grow with their
> presence.
> Question, is Yaya taking econ/finance lessons from
> Balla Gaye?  The reason
> why I ask is that Yaya was ignorant about the
> economy all throughout his 9
> year stay, and still is.  However, with the hiring
> of Balla Gaye, Songular
> all of a sudden is embarked on redefining economics
> and the economy,
> morphing into an Econ Prof.  My guess is he just
> told Balla his idea of
> economics and Balla knowing his Caligula character,
> just told him he's
> absolutely on track.  For, a word is never
> sufficient to a fool.  Let the
> idiot hang himself.  Under Famara Jatta, he
> talked/dabbled in Beef and rice.
>   Now under Balla, he switched to Jahatu.  Folks,
> lookout, for the next item
> on the menu may be your favorite veggie of food
> source.  Look, the dude is a
> wisefool and all the Kotos that hang around him know
> that and he'll continue
> to be game.  Folks, if you think education is
> expensive, try ignorance.
> Gassa, get lost, will you.
> Chi Jaama
> Joe Sambou
> >From: <[log in to unmask]>
> >Reply-To: [log in to unmask]
> >To: <[log in to unmask]>, <[log in to unmask]>,
> ><[log in to unmask]>
> >Subject: Re: [>-<] Unbelievable but true!!!!
> >Date: Wed, 29 Oct 2003 22:28:52 -0500
> >
> >[ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post e-Gathering
> by <[log in to unmask]>
> >]
> >
> >
> >
> > > "Unbelievable but true" Your heading indicates
> that you as the author do
> >not beleive what you saying. Gassa, lets not settle
> for less; we can do
> >much, much better. As a matter of fact Gambians are
> worst off today than
> >nine years ago.
> >
> >Kebb Foon
> > > From: "Jungle Sunrise" <[log in to unmask]>
> > > Date: 2003/10/29 Wed AM 08:20:42 EST
> > > To: <[log in to unmask]>,
> <[log in to unmask]>
> > > Subject: [>-<] Unbelievable but true!!!!
> > >
> > > [ This e-mail is posted to Gambia|Post
> e-Gathering by "Jungle Sunrise"
> ><[log in to unmask]> ]
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Unbelievable but true
> > >
> > > There has been a lot of inquiries and some
> speculation as to where I am
> > > and what, if any, is wrong. Well, I'm right here
> in The Gambia
> >everything
> > > is fine with me. I’m just a little bit busier
> than usual. Nonetheless I
> >do
> > > peep in once in a while to keep abreast of what
> peoples’ opinion of what
> > > is going on in our country are. This visit would
> be a short one,
> >intended
> > > only to share with folks what I consider the
> flipside of the coin.
> > >
> > > Whilst it cannot be denied that Gambians have
> been going through some
> >very
> > > trying moments the past few months, it is
> equally
=== message truncated ===

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