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"If someone gets rich, I do not cheer for them - I weep for myself. (NYC cabdriver)" <[log in to unmask]>
John Callan <[log in to unmask]>
Fri, 1 Mar 2002 20:57:57 -0600
John Callan, Architect
text/plain (1892 bytes) , johncallan.vcf (199 bytes)
Welcome aboard Walter.  I think you will find that the three wise
men...strange men?...who visited you a few years back during a preservation
conference in chicago are on this list.


Walter Arnold wrote:

> From: "Hammarberg, Eric"
> A project where small 1" - 2" chips of light gray granite need to be
> reattached to the parent stone panel (1 3/8" thick). A contractor has
> recommended AKEMI AKEPOX 5010 epoxy. According to AKEMI this epoxy will not
> yellow and weathers well. Has anybody worked with this?
> In my experience the polyesters tend to yellow and crack, but set up
> faster; I use them strictly for interior applications. The epoxies have
> more flexibility (ergo less cracking) and seem to be more color stable, but
> take much longer to set up.
> I've been lurking for a week, and I'm considering sticking around. I was on
> the old preservation-L list maybe 4 years ago, but had to drop it for
> bandwidth reasons- couldn't keep up with the volume of e-mail and Ken's
> writings kept confusing me. (I get a LOT of e-mail without listservs, can't
> even keep up with the business inquiries).
> Anyway, the listserv instruction say that I'm supposed to introduce myself.
> I have a brief bio on my website at http://stonecarver.com/carvebio.html (I
> haven't really updated that page in maybe 5 years but it still gives a good
> overview). I usually avoid preservation projects anyway, I prefer new
> projects that will keep the restorers busy three to six hundred years from
> now. I work with limestone and marble, chisel work, mostly architectural
> pieces.
> Later,
> ____________________________________
> Walter S. Arnold  * [log in to unmask]
> Gallery:        http://www.stonecarver.com
> Gargoyle postcards: http://www.stonecarver.com/postcard.html
> --
> To terminate puerile preservation prattling among pals and the
> uncoffee-ed, or to change your settings, go to:
> <http://maelstrom.stjohns.edu/archives/bullamanka-pinheads.html>