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make easy -- get sakcrete <[log in to unmask]>
Nate Gillette <[log in to unmask]>
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 15:13:07 GMT
make easy -- get sakcrete <[log in to unmask]>
text/plain (14 lines)
<Better watch your ass.  This Steve guy comes across alright in the <beginning,but the rest of us found out some time back that he's on o' <them unreconstructed Rebel types.  And how the hell would you know <until it's too late) whether his, shall we say confederates, in <Mississippi sent you lime or quicklime? Those dopes at Home Depot may <take all day, and may not know jack shit, but
<they don't have 140 year old chips on their shoulders.

Naw, Steve's an alright guy, we've chatted a few times. We're from the same neighborhood.  God I wish I was back in Savannah.  My life was much less stressful when I was there.

It's funny that you mention that chip on the shoulder.  I never believed how much hatred there still is for the north until I lived down south.  I went to an oyster roast one night in Savannah and got a little tanked up.  I started shooting off my mouth about how great of a general Sherman was.  A silent hush fell over the large group of people that I was standing around.  I waited fearfully for the racking noise of a shotgun.  I'm suprised I came out of that night without being pummeled.

Nate Gillette

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