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Celiac/Coeliac Wheat/Gluten-Free List <[log in to unmask]>
Sat, 2 Nov 2002 21:46:07 EST
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<<Disclaimer: Verify this information before applying it to your situation.>>

Summary-- part 3 of 3--- Parathyroid and Celiac

       Symptoms of Hyperthyrodism

* Heart revs up

* Nervous - jittery - desperation

* Kidney damage

* Insomnia

* Overheated (sometimes low fever)

* May have diarrhea

* Bulging eyes

* High blood pressure

* Heart damage

* Craving for food with weight loss

* Perspires easily & profusely

       Traditional Treatment

1. Hyperthyrodism:  (high thyroxine)

a. Removal

b. Radioactive iodine

c. Chemicals to reduce over-production of thyroxine (these cause liver damage)

2. Hypothyrodism: (low thyroxine)

Synthetic T4 (example synthroid, levothyroxine) .... Caution - too much can
cause a swing from hypo- to hyper-thyrodism and cause problems such as
Grave's Disease or Thyrotoxicosis

      Self-Test for Functional Hypothyroidism

You can have a normal TSH and still have all kinds of problems.  This is the
most accurate test in indicate hypothyrodism:

1. Before going to sleep at night, shake down a thermometer & place it on the
nightstand near the bed.

2. Upon awakening - DO NOT sit up or stand!  Just reach for the thermometer
and tuck snugly in the armpit for five minutes.

3. Record results for 30 days.

4. If temperature is consistently below 97.6, YOU ARE suffering from
functional thyroid problems, even though TSH blood test may in in the normal

      Laboratory Tests:

1. TSH: Usual range = .35 - 5.5  (Health range = .5 - 4.5)  If it is LOW,
that indicates hyperthyrodism ..... If it is HIGH, that indicates

2. T4:      Usual range = 4.5 - 12.5 (Health range = 6.5 - 10.50) .... A high
T4 means hyperthyrodism

        How to Prevent Thyroid Problems

* Maintain a clean liver (the liver is very involved in the conversion of T4
to T3)

* Avoid drugs as much as possible

* Avoid birth control pills & unnatural hormonal replacement therapy

* Deal with allergies

* Get adequate rest (good levels of cortisone strengthen the thyroid)

* Provide optimal nutrition

* Maintain optimum Vitamin C levels to strengthen the immune system, reduce
allergies, and reduce heavy metal toxicity

* Reduce stress (high levels of adrenaline slow down the thyroid)

* Exercise

* Avoid viral, bacterial, & yeast infections

* Avoid toxins

o use toxin-free cleaners & personal care products

o purify your indoor air


o For HYPERthyrodism:

o Eat a well balanced diet, as close to nature as possible

o Detoxify

o Avoid stimulants:  caffeine, nicotine, soft drinks, etc.

o Avoid aspartame

o Avoid dairy products for at least three months

o Valerian may be beneficial to help keep you calm

o Use Raw Soy powder daily

o Supplement with Vita Lea (multiple vitamin/mineral) plus

* B Complex

* Vitamin C and Vitamin E

* Garlic

* Essential Fatty Acids (lecithin and/or GLA)

* Calcium/Magnesium are very calming

* Eat plenty of these foods: turnips, broccoli, spinach, kale, pears,
cabbage, mustard greens, brussels sprouts, peaches, cauliflower

o For HYPOthyroidism:

o Eat a well balanced diet, as close to nature as possible.

o Avoid processed & refined foods including white flour & sugar

o Avoid fluoride (blocks iodine receptors in thyroid gland)

o Avoid chlorine (blocks iodine receptors in thyroid gland)

o Avoid antihistamines & sulfa drugs

o Until balance is achieved, eat these foods in moderation:  turnips,
broccoli, spinach, cabbage, mustard greens, Brussels sprouts, kale, peaches,

o Identify allergens and reduce them

o CoQ10 and Ginseng (CorEnergy) are very beneficial)

o Use RAW Soy Powder (3 to 4 times daily)

o Supplement with Vita Lea (Multiple Vitamin/Mineral) plus:

* Alfalfa (at least 10 daily) - provides trace iodine + minerals

* B Complex

* Vitamin C & Vitamin E

* Zinc

* Essential Fatty Acids (lecithin and/or GLA)

Thanks to all.    Dona


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